PROJECT KICK-OFF MEETING -The Kickoff Meeting is the first meeting with the project team and the client of the project. This meeting would follow definition of the base elements for the project and other project planning activities. This meeting introduces the members of the project team and the client and provides the opportunity to discuss the role of each team member. Other base elements in the project that involve the client may also be discussed at this meeting (schedule, status reporting, etc.).
Potential Topics for a Kick-off Meeting
Below is a list of potential topics to be addressed during a kick-off meeting. Depending on the nature of the project, some topics may or may not apply. The Project Manager will use discretion in the selection of the topics he/she considers pertinent based on the kick-off meeting objectives.
Project Scope/Deliverables and Schedule - During the kick-off meeting, the Project Manager addresses the highlights on the scope of the work and the importance of the project.
Project Site(s) - When appropriate, the Project Manager should use a map or drawing to identify the site(s) or location(s) associated with the project, with the intention of providing the geographical context in which the project takes place.
Project Organization - During the session, the Project Manager can review the project organizational chart and the associated roles and responsibilities to accomplish the project objectives.
Project Budget and Project Number(s) - A portion of the meeting is usually dedicated to go over the specifics of the project number(s). Team members need to know how they should charge their time and expenses for all project materials and contracting costs in relation with the project. If needed, some discussion on the specific break-out of the cost elements for the project could also take place.
Project Reporting/Document Control - Another important project aspect to be talked about