providing a sustainable micro enterprise opportunity, and to improve rural living standards through health and
hygiene awareness.
Under the project, HUL offers a range of mass-market products to the SHGs, which are relevant to rural customers.
HUL is investing significantly in resources who work with the women on the field and provide them with on-the-job
training and support. This is a key factor in ensuring the stabilization of their fledgling businesses.
HUL imparts the necessary training to these groups on the basics of enterprise management, which the women need to
manage their enterprises. For the SHG women, this translates into a much-needed, sustainable income contributing
towards better living and prosperity. Armed with micro-credit, women from SHGs become direct-to-home distributors in
rural markets.
In order to impact both livelihood opportunities and living standards of rural communities i-Shakti' - an IT-based
rural information service has been developed to provide information and services to meet rural needs in agriculture,
education, vocational training, health and hygiene.
The premise of the i-Shakti model is to provide need based demand driven information and services across a large
variety of sectors that impact the daily livelihood opportunities and living standards of the village community.
The i-Shakti kiosk will be operated by the Shakti Entrepreneur, which further strengthens the relationship we have
already cultivated and builds new capacity. HUL expects that the information provided would improve the productivity
of the rural community and unlock economic and social