1. What are the key features of Project Shakti?
Provide access to untapped rural markets and develop HUL’s brand through local influencers. Target customers- Rural population, by providing micro enterprise and partner with SHG’s (self help groups) and is aimed at Scaling up its operations. Shakti Vani - trained communicators address congregations to drive messages on sanitation, good hygiene practices and women empowerment. iShakti - Rural Information Service and create income generating capabilities
2. What ere HUL’s motivations for initiating Project Shakti? Was it only a Corporate Social Responsibility initiative?
It had two objectives. Business objective-HUL’S declining growths of profits in urban markets had identified the need of exploring the untapped rural markets and wealth. Social objective- to provide sustainable livelihood opportunities for underprivileged rural women and thus make a deep social impact.
3. What is the economic value created by Project Shakti? What is the social value? What are the critical challenges facing Project Shakti in making the project work?
Economic value- Accounts for about 15% of the rural turnover where it is present with coverage of more than 50000 villages and more than 12000 women entrepreneurs.
Social value- created income-generating capabilities for underprivileged rural women, by providing a sustainable micro enterprise opportunity, and to improve rural living standards through health and hygiene awareness.
Critical challenges- costs incurred on human resource and other over-heads, varying degrees of support of state govt., status of women in rural