India is a developing country. This means that majority of the population belong to the working class. They have to struggle to make both the ends meet. In their struggle for daily living, they loose sight of the individual development, productivity, selfactualization etc.
There are certain special characteristics with regard to the Indian labourer, such as coming from villages to city in search of work, being away from loved ones, having to accept work at poor working conditions, low wages, etc.
The present scenario in India, is that the employers are becoming aware of their workers needs and are taking effective measures to improve their morale and self worth by the various Labour Welfare measures both the statutory and voluntary. The reason being the increasing awareness created globally, by the initiative of ILO, and other organizations, the charismatic leadership of some Indian and international labour union leaders like Shri N.M.Lokhande and initiatives taken by the Indian Government to enact various legislations concerning the good of the working class and to punish the defaulters.
In such a context, I thought it is worthwhile doing this project on the employee welfare facilities provided in AREVA T&D.
Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various services, facilities and amenities provided to employees for their betterment.
Employee welfare means “the efforts to make life worth living for workmen.” According to Todd “employee welfare means anything done for the comfort and improvement, intellectual or social, of the employees over and above the wages paid which is not a necessity of the industry.”
• The project entitled “A study on the level of satisfaction among the employees on the welfare facilities with special reference to AREVA T&D, tends to find the inner perception of the employees with regards to the welfare measures provided by the