Outcome 1
Identify the different reasons people communicate – Explain 5 different ways of communicating in your setting using 3 written methods of communication and 2 verbal methods.
Communication is part of everyday life between people and can be used in many different ways. People communicate to build relationships with one another, but also to maintain those relationships formed. When a relationship is built through communication, people then can express their needs, wants and feelings to each other, as well as being able to reassure an individual. Communicating allows people to share thoughts, ideas and information to others where necessary. Positive effective communication can create a positive environment for every person involved.
Within my setting two verbal methods of communicating are the telephone between rooms, and office to verbally communicate to one another, as well as talking face to face about any information that may need to be shared. Three written methods of communication in my setting are; emails that go directly to the manager, a written message book or notice, notice boards and parent contact books. Staffs written communication about children is mainly through planning, observations and the child learning journeys.
Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting.
Communication within a work setting is the basis of which relationships between staff, parents, young people and children is built on. Establishing positive communication between these sets of people allows the best care and environment to be provided for the children and young people so plans can be made to meet their needs and wants for development. A member of staff with good communication skills will be able to build strong relationships with the children and families within the care and with their colleagues and other adults. Relationships and