The difference between creativity and creative learning is that creativity is more about the traditional arts and using fine motor skills e.g. cutting and drawing. Creative learning is about children using their mind to solve problems e.g. making an information booklet; this will help with problem solving skills. In my placement we do creativity and creative learning by giving the children chance to express their feelings e.g. giving the children paper and crayons to draw with, we also help children build towers and bridges for construction.
There are many theoretical approaches to creativity and creative learning these are nature verses nurture this could mean that people are born with it or they learn it from life or other people. Some people believe that children will learn from watching other people this is called role modelling. Many may believe that creativity is a progress, this means that creativity will follow a pattern to make it happen, this will also help to build upon skills that will emerge. The cultural approach means that every child will be creative so many things will affect this. As practitioners we have to give and environment that will help children explore and be creative with how they want to be. Cognitive theories is when children make relations between different things, this theory look at how the brain puts things together, lots of opportunities need to be provided for the child to develop knowledge in lots of different