Diversity literally means difference. Even though people have things in common with each other they are also different in all sorts of ways. The diversity may be visible and non-visible, for example, personal characteristics like background, religion, culture, personality, age, gender, disability, size, accent, language and so on. When diversity is used as a contrast or addition to equality, it is about recognising differences between people, treating them as individuals, and putting positive light on diversity in the workplace.
Irrespectively to what is your background, religion, culture, personality, age, gender, disability, size, accent, language everyone should be treated the same/fairly and their human rights should be respected. Equality is to give all people equal opportunities, fair access to jobs, training, goods and services.
Is creating an environment in which enables everyone to have the same chance to develop their talents and enhance potentials. Equality means everyone can participate in those created opportunities eliminating discrimination and prejudice.
Inclusion is about giving equal access and getting rid of discrimination and intolerance, it is taking action to remove barriers to participation and to do so all peoples’ needs and what they can offer need to be taken into account. Inclusion means that everyone has the opportunity to have a chance to participate (be included) in everything they wish to and be engaged in social activities.
(3:1.2) What is discrimination, and what are the potential effects on a service user’s life?
Discrimination is an unfavourable opinion, attitude or feeling towards members of a particular group that leads to less favourable or bad treatment of these people in the same or similar circumstances. For example some aspect of personal appearance,