1.1 Explain why physical activity is important to the short and long term health and well being of children.
Physical activity is an integral part of health and well being in children.Our bodies also require physical activity in order to be healthy.Understanding and supporting physical activity, will help children have the right foundation for a healthy and happy life.Positive experiences with physical activity at a young age promotes the growth if strong bones and muscles, help to develop good posture and balance, obesity risk and chronic disease risk infection are reduced.
A long-term health benefit will be that children will have a stronger immune system.Children are less likely to become overweight and will have better control of their body, children will achieve and maintain a healthy weight and they will establish healthy behaviour and increase their self-esteem and concentration.
Physical inactivity is associated with health risks: weight gain, obesity, heart and bone disease, diabetes.
Children who are physically active are more likely to show good social skills, they are confident and they achieve their full developmental potential.
1.2 Explain the development of movement skills in young children and how these skills affect other aspects of development.
Physical activity helps children to develop and practise movements skills which includes: travel, balance and coordination and object control.
Movement skills help children develop awareness of what their bodies can do, children learn how much space their body needs to take.When developing traveling skills, the child learns how to move the body from on location to another: hopping, skipping, sliding, walking.
Hand-eye coordination and foot-eye coordination uses the eye to direct attention and hands and foot to execute a task so the brain sends out information to the muscles and helps to develop smooth and precise movements.Activities involving foot-eye coordination: kicking a ball;