
Promotion Of Temperance Essay

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The Temperance Movement sought to end the increasingly common issue of excessive drinking. Due to the social customs of the time, alcoholism consumed many individuals, mainly men. Drinking was “a basic part of men’s working lives”. (Faragher, p.438) Toasts were routine at work and at social gatherings alike for men. Women, who abstained from public drinking, and children were left to bear the consequent burdens. Economic affairs were controlled by men, making it easy for a family’s savings could easily be squandered on alcohol. Social status was, also, affected by drunkenness. Temperance supporters hoped to stop alcohol consumption and thus end these undesirable results.

The American Society for the Promotion of Temperance was founded
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The two prominent political parties, the Whigs and the Democrats, had opposing views on temperance. Whigs were supporters, Democrats were not. The Democrats were not alone in their hostility. Immigrants, who were accustomed to the routine drinking, were also resistant. Despite this resistance and hostility, these anti-alcohol promotions were quite victorious in their …show more content…

In 1848, hundreds of people journeyed to Seneca Falls to the first female right’s convention in the history of the United States. This gathering, planned by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, constructed the Declaration of Sentiments. This document was a petition that pointed out the subjugations pushed upon women by men. These repressions included lesser legal, religious, and political rights. Women’s rights conventions became yearly gatherings. They were relatively successful. Certain laws were changed to be more favorable to women. Women played a crucial part in the social reforms of the 1840’s and questioned many popular sexist notions. “Women reformers believed they had a right and duty to propose solutions for the moral and social problems of the day.” (Faragher,

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