Truman, as he saw the attack of okinawa in 1944 witnessed how the Japanese would not surrender, they had to capture all 100,000 Japanese soldiers on the island (peace and war book page 152 by Ben Walsh). This lead to the US dropping almost 2000 tons of incendiary grenade from B 29 planes which ensured the US a victory for Truman. Although the Japanese were losing the pacific war, the fire bombs failed to persuade Japan to surrender which made Harry Truman’s decision to drop the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. From the information given to Harry Truman of how the Japanese were not willing to surrender, dropping of the atomic bomb was justified as he did it in order to shorten the agony of war and to save American lives. Based on the choices given, Truman had to take the least costly option which was to use this bomb. Furthermore, the bomb was an approach to end Japanese brutality on the asian countries they have colonized. In retrospect, many historians have criticized him as the Japanese were rumoured to be ready to surrender prior to the use of the Atomic…
World War II was a global war from 1939 to 1945. Japan surrendered on 15 August 1945, which brought the total victory of the Allies. Right before Japan’s surrender, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and another one on Nagasaki. The atomic bombs caused great damage to Japan and killed estimated 129000 to 246000 people. However, the bombings helped to bring the war to an end. Whether President Truman should make the decision to drop the bombs is still a topic to debate. Due to the fact that it was the best decision Truman could make, the bombs ended the war, and reduced the loss at that time, President Truman was justified in his decision to drop the bombs on japan.…
In this essay I will discuss the reasons for and against whether America was right to drop the two atomic bombs. These two bombs were unloaded on Hiroshima, 6th August 1945, and attempted to hit Nagasaki, 9th August 1945. America gave the two bombs code names, the one that was dropped on Hiroshima was called ‘Little Boy’. This bomb was made of uranium. The final death toll added up to 135,000. The nuclear bomb that fell on Nagasaki was called ‘Fat Man’. This bomb was made of plutonium. The final death toll was about 70,000. This was because the bomb had missed its allocated target and instead fell into a valley.…
BREAKING NEWS- President Truman had been warned about invading Japan, and the terrific casualties they were capable off. However since they were afraid of attacking our soil, he ordered for a weapon large enough and powerful enough in hopes of bringing this all to an end. On August 6th, 1945 a five ton-bomb was dropped in the city of Hiroshima, Japan. The bombing killed 80,000 people; the city wasn’t left in great shape as well. Although the devastating outcome, we believe that this is the last of the feuding between them and us. (P.2, The atomic bombs are scary, and threating to all nations. Sadly we believe this has both ended problems we have been facing, but also…
After years of war and destruction, American soldiers and civilians were beyond weary and restless, yet the Japanese were steadfast and refused to give up their fight. Sworn in as the 33rd United States president, after Franklin D. Roosevelt’s sudden death, Harry S. Truman presided over the end of WWII. When Truman learned of the success of the “Manhattan Project” he knew that he was faced with a decision of unparalleled gravity. He was well aware that the capacity to end the war with Japan was in his hands, however, he was also aware that it would involve unleashing the most terrible weapon the world had ever known. July 26, 1945 President Truman, United Kingdom Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Chairman of the Chinese Nationalist Government Chiang Kaishek, released the Potsdam Declaration.…
Learning about history is very interesting, especially why things happen and who pulled the plug to make it happen. Prompt and Utter Destruction is very interesting, J. Samuel Walker the Author, goes in depth into answering questions that roll in peoples mind. President Harry S. Truman in ‘Prompt and Utter Destruction’ seemed to be unsure of himself and what he was capable of, the doubts he had led many people to be on their toes about. The atomic bomb against Japan might have been a reasonable decision for President Trumans’.…
To this day, many debate the primary reasoning behind Truman's decision to use Atomic Bombs against Japan and whether they served to bring a quick end to the war or to gain leverage with the Soviet Union in the post-war world. The cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was specifically decided as these were population dense cities that were primarily devoted to military production. These cities also did not hold cultural significance within Japan, as opposed to cities like Kyoto. Because of this, many argue that Truman did not seek to destroy Japanese culture or its people; the goal was to destroy Japanese means of war production. The war was coming to its end and it was only a matter of time before the Japanese surrendered.…
It shouldn’t have happened because it killed lots of innocent people. When the Japanese had got bombed, they had finally noticed that we were serious the first two times about surrendering. They had made sure that we had the upper hand during WW2. Truman thought it would end the war a lot faster. Of course they did, but under one condition. The condition was that their Emperor got to keep his thrown.…
On August 6th, 1945, the United States dropped the first ever Atomic weapon on Hiroshima, Japan. 140,000 people lost their lives, most of which were civilians. President Truman was in charge of this major decision, and he made the correct choice. The alternative solutions were much too costly for the United States, both in expenses and American casualties. Another reason Truman’s decision is justified was due to the declination of the fair ultimatum recieved by Japan. Also it was important to the well being of the world to keep the Soviets out of Japan. Dropping the Atomic Bomb was the most reliable and definite way to end the war.…
In response to Karl T. Compton article “If the Atomic Bomb Had Not Been Used,” Compton attempts to persuade readers that the atomic bombings were needed im to stop the war from causing further destruction. The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were necessary in order to stop the war.…
It was August 6, 1945 when the first ever atomic bomb dropped on the city of Hiroshima in Japan. Three days later another was dropped on the city of Nagasaki, Japan and this let to the surrender of Japan in World War II. The surrender would have not occurred so soon if it had not been for President Harry Truman’s decision to use the first ever nuclear attack on another nation. His decision changed history and the way the world worked. This meant that nuclear power was out there at the disposal of the United States for them to use whenever they saw fit. The decision Truman had to make was extremely difficult seeing as he was faced with a huge ethical dilemma whether to kill entire cities to save millions of American lives. The issue was not only was it ethically right but did he have enough justification to prove to the world that dropping the atomic bomb was the only way to end the war.…
When talking about WW2 and Japan, something that comes to mind often is the atomic bomb. Some people say it was a good thing, as it ended one of the worst war in history. however, some say that it was wrong to drop a bomb of a country that was on the verge of surrender. Proof of this statement, this essay will tell you.…
The propaganda taught in grade schools was that the United States dropped the atomic bomb to save American lives and end the war. President Truman and some advisors stated after the war, that somewhere between five hundred thousand to one million American lives would be loss with an invasion of the Japanese homeland (37). So, in an attempt to bring the War in the Pacific to an end they used the atomic bomb. They also justified the use of the atomic bomb by claiming using the bomb would save an untold number of Japanese lives. The information which came from President Truman and his administrative sounded sensible and salved the conscious of America, but was it the truth? In his book, historian J. Samuel Walker provides a step by step analysis of events leading to Truman’s use of the atomic bomb to bring World War II to closure and extensive coverage of the relationship of the United States and the U.S.S.R.…
A. Restate Thesis: Clearly the atomic bombing of Japan was justified because of the tremendous amount of lives, both Japanese and American, which would have been lost in a conventional invasion. The Japanese fighting style also precipitated the need for drastic measures to be taken to bring…
Throughout history, the United States has found itself as the center of controversy. A most notable event that is still debated across many public forums is the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Historians and politicians alike have questioned the justification of the United States’s decision. After taking careful consideration of both sides of the argument, it can be determined that the Unites States was not justified in its actions.…