Chapter I. Pronouns as a part of speech
1.1. Types of pronouns…………………………………………………...……….5
1.2 General characterization of pronouns……………………………………….6
Chapter II. Analysis on the basis of Jerome K. Jerome’s creative activity
2.1 The characteristic features of pronouns in “Three men in a boat”..……..21
2.2 Literature without pronouns……………………………………………..…25
Topicality. I have chosen this theme because I like pronouns from early school age. It was interesting for me to investigate pronouns and to find something new that I didn’t know before. First of all I found out the basical definitions of pronouns to describe it as part of speech. I used many theoretical books to do my course work, such as: « Modern English language» (Theoretical course grammar) V.N. Zhigadlo, I.P. Ivanova, L.L. Iofik. Moscow, 1956 y., Baker, Mark. 2005. Lexical Categories - Verbs, nouns and pronouns. Cambridge University Press, etc. Then I looked through the “Warren, Beatrice. (1984). Classifying pronouns. Gothenburg studies in English” to know their theories and thoughts about pronouns as a part of speech.
The aim of the paper is to investigate all features of pronouns in the English language.
We set the following objectives:
To consider pronouns as a part of speech.
To give all types of pronouns.
To show roles, functions, categories of pronouns through analysis on the basis of Jerome K. Jerome’s creative activity.
The subject of investigation: the general characteristic features of pronouns.
The object of investigation: types of pronouns.
Methods of investigation: Identifying, classifying, description and analysis.
Hypothesis: Pronouns play great role. Without them our speech would be annoying and tiresome. Because we would repeat the same words several times.
Theoretical value: There were
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