“Lead this people into war, and they’ll forget there was ever such a thing as tolerance. To fight, you must be brutal and ruthless, and the spirit of ruthless brutality will enter into the very fibre of national life, infecting the Congress, the courts, the policeman on the beat, the man in the street.” - Woodrow Wilson – 28th President of the United States (Successfully convinced the USA to go to WW1) Propaganda in World War One was adopted on a massive global scale, successfully managed to influence most of the population’s thoughts and perceptions towards aspects like unifying the country, procuring money and resources out of people to sustain governmental military campaigns, strengthening the support on …show more content…
Encourage the Americans to defeat the Germans by buying war bonds. Exemplifies the obnoxious racial discrimination towards the Germans
Propaganda for patriotism and nationalism:
Designed to maintain public morale and faith in the country in order to sustain the war effort. Also convince civilians to enlist voluntarily until conscription was introduced in 1917.
Films: How Britain Prepared, The Battle of the Somme (Promote British strength and determination in the war effort)
The use of an iconic figure to strengthen a particular point about national identity and to promote patriotism. They might come from old myths and folklore: Britannia, John Bull, British bulldog etc.)
Bulldog – Union flag and the icon of the bulldog to show Britain, Australia, Canada, South Africa, India, New Zealand standing against a common threat in …show more content…
The French depicts the Germans as Boche. The image of the enemy was a cruel aspect of wartime propaganda and served to justify British war aims.
Belgium was a neutral force and depicted as a helpless child or a woman ravaged from brutal Prussian militarism.
Music as propaganda:
Used to inspire passion and voluntary compliance in the listeners, make those who did not support the war effort shameful
Tool to influence social and political attitudes
The melody, beat, dynamics, rhythm could be adjusted to reflect its message and enhance its impact on the listener.
What sets it apart from words / books is that music can be retained in the mind for a longer period of time.
Improve the morale, gaining support, collecting money, and encouraging recruitment.
E.g: Politicians – Use musical fanfare at public rallies to generate an emotional response in support of their causes.
Your King and Your Country Want You – this song praises a young man’s sporting achievements. He is then told to enlist in the army, but is promised that he will be loved and missed no matter what fate befalls him.
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