Proposal is an essential marketing tool for development organizations that build initial professional relationship between an organization and donor. A good idea with improper write up/presentation fails to achieve donors therefore fund raising development organization depends on skilled proposal development staff to survive, the proposal writing officers work tirelessly to keep their organizations afloat. Proposal writing in the development sector is a very competitive and equally labor intensive. In the absence of good ideas, effective presenting skills and strategies most organizations will not grow and will collapse in the formative years. Effective project designing skills ensures sustainability for projects.
Civil society support program have identified proposal writing as a real need among many organizations in Sindh and have dedicated time and energy for capacity building in this critical area. Few donors have called for proposals by the end of January, 2013, so the CSSP has planned to focus upon those donors and would help the CSOs/NGOs/ CBOs to submit their proposals by learning all features of the proposal writing. 2. Objectives
At the end of this two day workshop the participants will have comprehensible understanding about:
* Orientation about the donor’s requirements. * How to write winning proposal/concept paper * Main features of the project applications. * Orientation about logical framework analysis * Budgeting and work plan 3. Contents
* Project cycle * Features of proposal * Hierarchy of objectives * Setting goals and objectives * Outputs and out comes * Developing indicators * Work plan * Budgeting (list of required resources)
4. Expected Outcomes
* Participant will have a clear idea about the donor requirements. * Participant will effectively plan their proposal * Participant will efficiently