Natural environment encompasses all living and non- living thing. In the natural environment there are interactions between all the living species. Natural environment is often used as a synonym for habitat. Nowadays there are lot of issues and problem that occur in the natural environment. For an example, pollution this is the main problem in our natural environment. There are water pollution, and air pollution everywhere. This is what causing the arising of negative impact to the earth for an example, ozone layer thinning which is cause by the air pollution.
In order to prevent pollution we have to motivate others and ourselves to love the environment, be moderate in using fertilizer and pesticides, do not throw litter in the river lake or oceans, do lots of activities regarding to cleaning our environment, and save energy around the house. The program that we are going to launch is Going Green. Where there will be lots of activities and talk regarding the environment. The objective of our program is to increase awareness among community.
This pollution matter has been going on since many places in the world start to developed. When the community start to get busy into modernizing the world they don’t really care what is happening around them. This matter has to be taken seriously because the earth is the place where we are living, and the earth is dying.
Due to the pollution there are lots of problem that will arise and of course will affect the living things which include us. Our health is in jeopardised. For an example air pollution can cause respiratory disease such as asthma and tuberculosis. Water pollution will cause, neurological and skin problem such as back pain and arsenic poisoning.
The major cause of pollution is low awareness among community. Where they did not know the importance of keeping our environment clean as you can see none of the problem is solved so what we are going to do is launching Going Green