Punjab University College of Information Technology
Final Project Proposal Guide
Version 1.0
This is a group assignment.
A group would consist of minimum 3 and maximum 5 students.
All groups have to select a software project of considerable complexity and submit the below project proposal for it.
Deadline: Friday 15, 2013 till 12:00 PM
Mode of Submission: Softcopy
Submit to: Teacher Assistant’s mailing address.
Table of Contents
Project Proposal Guidelines 2
1.1 Project Title 2
1.2 Project Overview Statement 3
1.4 Project Goals & Objectives 4
1.5 High-level system components 4
1.6 List of optional functional units 5
1.7 Exclusions 5
1.8 Application Architecture 5
1.9 Gantt chart 5
1.10 Hardware and Software Specification 5
1.11 Tools and technologies used with reasoning 5
Project Proposal Guidelines
1.1 Project Title
The title should be clear and unambiguous (do not make it "cute"). Think of your title as a mini-abstract.
A good title should paint a quick picture for the reader of the key idea(s) of your project. Try and use only a single sentence for your title. Try to remove words from your title that really are not necessary for understanding.
When all else fails try using a two-part title with the parts separated by a colon (use only as a last resort!).
Do not attempt to use the title as an abstract of your entire proposal.
1.2 Project Overview Statement
Think of the Project Overview as an Executive Summary (the busy executive probably only has enough time to read your Overview - not the entire proposal).
Be specific and concise. Do not go into detail on aspects of your proposal that are further clarified at a later point in your proposal.
Let the Overview be your last piece of writing and then insert it at the beginning of your proposal. Try to keep in mind that someone will be reviewing your proposal and you would like to have