| Title: The conspicuous spending of billionaires and corporation funds in British football: impact on supporters and the community Program: MIB - 31 - Grenoble (2011 - 2013) Academic Year: 2011-2012 Dissertation / Project / Internship Report: Project Proposal 2011-2012 Student Name: Leo Mikaël School Tutor / Evaluator Name: Djeddour Mohamed To fill in for Internship only: Company Name: ………………………...………………………………………………….. Town: …………………………………………………………………………………………. Country: ……………………………………………………………………………………… Position occupied during internship: …………………………………………………….
Summary: Football clubs are increasingly taken over by billionaires or foreign corporations. They spend millions of pounds in order to get the best players and have the greatest coaches to win the Premier League and other European competitions. The aim of this study is to analyze how supporters or the community consider their club being sold to foreigners: does their opinion fluctuate according to the performance of their club?
Keywords: (cf. Thesaurus du Management):
Leo MIB C1
Final Management Project – Project Proposal
The Conspicuous spending of billionaires and corporation funds in British football: impact on supporters and the community
Tutor: Mr Djeddour Mohamed Proposal due to September 30th 2012
Throughout this project proposal, we will try to explain the aim of this Final Management project that will be done during the school year. This proposal is the next step after what has been done previously during our first year at Grenoble Graduate School of Business,
Bibliography: Ian Holloway, “Why I don’t want foreign owners coming here and killing football’s dream in exchange for a quick buck”, published on the 22/10/2011 for the Mirror Football, found on http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/opinion/columnists/ian-holloway/Ian-Holloway-column-Why-I-don-t-want-foreign-owners-coming-here-and-killing-football-s-dreams-in-exchange-for-a-quick-buck-article818131.html, (visited on the 20th of September 2012) Draper, Rob, “Foreign investors drive the league closer to the edge”, Mail on Sunday, 10/5/2008, p102, 1/2p, Marc Roche, “Golden boys et diables rouges : un groupe de riches supporters de Manchester United a lancé une offensive sur le club endetté, propriété de la famille américaine Glazer”, Le Monde, (3/05/2010), (French), p3, 0p Jay Rufus, “Can US investment benefit english football brands”, Marketing Week (01419285), 2/7/2008, Vol. 31 Issue 6, p8-8, 1/2p Williams John & Hopkins Stephen, “Over here: Americanization and the new politics of football club ownership – The case of Liverpool FC”, Sport in Society, Vol 14(2), Mar, 2011. pp. 160-174, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis. Spink Christopher, “Football crazy”, Acquisitions Monthly, Feb2008, Issue 280, p43-46, 4p, 9 Color Photographs, 4 Charts