In the fast changing environment of business, information technology played a great role in advancing business transaction to achieve optimum globalization. Various information systems are introducing services in diverse level of management and it ensures the most updated level of business transaction today. The introduction of online servicing becomes the talk of the town not only in information technology more so in terms of how it affects the business transaction like on how to speed up the process, getting accurate result of the process, becoming convenient on the part of the client and ensuring that the management can handle volumes of transaction of the business. These are some of the important processes that the business industry is facing nowadays. By using ordering management system, it allows the user to import data and to manage the products that the customer wants such as, product information, buyer’s information, costumer’s prioritization and product costing. PC Troubleshooters runs its business through a manual process in taking the orders of the costumers. Though there are more employees attending to the needs of the costumer, but the company was often confronted with greater volume of orders, this in effect, created a problem that continue to persist a
longer period of time. Because of that, chances are the customer might give false information about their order. In rare cases like that, the employee can make mistakes too due to the given information of the customer. Another problem is that when transactions are done manually, the customers can change their mind and cancel their order. This kind of conflict makes the customer take back its money directly without any other process or informing the company of the cancelled transaction. Indeed, managing the orders through manual process becomes a big problem of the