1. Analogue film and its imprint on the digital era.
This thesis for a dissertation would have set about to analyse the relationship between analogue and digital filmmaking and the differences in these practices since the rise of the latter’s popularity and usability. The paper would have evaluated digital filmmaking practices and the new range of techniques that modern technology has brought about, giving reference to the rise of importance in editing since the development of red-one and the response to this of various filmmakers, Lars Von Trier etc. New aesthetics would have also been explored, looking at films such as Inland Empire (Lynch, 2006) and Trash Humpers (Kornine, 2009) and the ways in which contemporary films utilise imperfections of the digital medium to create new aesthetics in opposition to that of the cultured visuals of Hollywood cinematics.
The essay would also have devoted a chapter to Marshall McLuhan’s theories of the postmodern effect of globalisation through the Internet and how new media has changed the face of film and the way practitioners can operate within visual culture.
2. Auteurism – career momentum that outlasts the diminishment of practitioner’s talents.
This dissertation would have explored the effect on a director that being branded an auteur can have. The paper would have formed a discussion on how being branded an auteur early in a filmmakers career can end up inadvertently damaging their product. The dissertation would have utilised case studies on directors such as Michel Gondry, Wes Anderson and M. Night Shyamalan to form the basis for an argument on the view that the directors films are so highly praised for aspects of cinematography and narrative that, in later projects, revert to conforming to what they believe audiences expect of them and begin to display a distinct impression of ‘style over substance’. It would go on to suggest, backed up by aforementioned case