The covert channels are the intended network communication channels which leaks the secret information by exploiting process based workow. It use some sort of legitimate network communication strategies in order to make covert dialogue exchanges between the sender and the receiver parties by agreeing upon some predetermined communication workow. The covert channels are supposed to be legitimate to the rest of the network entities. Due to this other statistical analysis based systems in the network would not be able to eliminate or identify such anomalies ow through the network. There exists variety of covert channels which seems to be legitimate tra_c channels to the other parts of the network.
This is the reason why the covert …show more content…
There are very high chances of those bits being used by perpetrators to implement covert channels, which are in the form of secret communication medium. This poses a large risk to public and private information con_nement. From the above discussion, it is clear that covert channels can be exploited by the potential users in order to make valid use of this miracles network
communication technique. It also be misused by some of the illegal activists who intentionally wanted to make damage to the network systems.
The aim of the proposed system is to investigate data hiding scenarios that can be potentially exploited by using internet protocol suite. The system objective is to elimination of covert communication. This included in recent research publications of white papers and RFCs which deals with covert channels. In addition to this prototype of Covert Channel Detection System (CCDS) was designed and implemented in order to evaluate the network tra_c. The intentions of CCDS is to establish whether detection and elimination of the covert channels is possible, and where the further work should be conducted in order to achieve those goals. . Technology