The general argument made by Teresa Watanbe and Jason Song in their work, College Students Confront Subtler Forms of Bias: Slights and Snubs, is that victimhood is occurring in colleges around the U.S. More specifically, Watanbe and Song argues that students are getting effected by slight comments which hurt their feelings or emotions. They write, “minor slights harm student performance, mental health and work productivity,” In this passage, Watanbe and Song is suggesting people feel down in the dumps and they can't get back up because of all the negative energy to goes towards them. In conclusion, Watanbe and Song's belief is…
All students with limited English proficiency must be properly identified and assessed to ensure the provision of appropriate…
Donald L. Niewyk’s fifth and sixth chapters both deal more with outside perspectives and outside reactions than it does with those who were persecuted. The fifth chapter, “Bystander Reactions,” offers four different arguments as to why bystanders acted they way they did during the Holocaust. The sixth chapter, “Possibilities of Rescue,” discusses three different viewpoints on what foreign governments could have done to prevent the Holocaust. These two chapters conclude Niewyk’s book The Holocaust and wrap up the final sequence of events surrounding the Holocaust and the camps.…
Louie Gohmert is a legislator in the Texas House of Representatives. He often takes a conservative view on situations, such as how he votes for bills and what committees he joins. Gohmert has been a legislature for several sessions now, and has had previous experience in politics prior to being elected to the House. Gohmert also comes from a strong religious background, which no doubt influences the way that he votes. He is considered a republican and has recently announced that he is going to challenge John Boehner, current Speaker of the House, for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives (On The Issues 2016). Gohmert is not afraid to take a strong stand for the bills that he believes in and speak out against those he does not. He votes for looser control over public schools and claims to be an originalist. Gohmert is sincere in his actions to keep the state conservative, and the actions he takes within his legislative position reflect that (Shook 1973, p 317).…
Carter then describes that restrictive language policies still occur today due to the common misunderstanding of Spanish speakers. Carter presents the misunderstandings in the form of four myths: Latinos aren’t interested and cannot learn English, speaking Spanish hinders their ability to speak English, children will learn Spanish at home, and that Spanish is taking over schools. Carter disproves each myth by providing factual evidence and personal experience. For instance, Carter mentions that social science data shows that Latinos learn English at a fast rate and that some evidence suggests that policies restricting a student’s usage of a home language affect literacy skill in English. Carter also mentions that he has yet encountered a young person that refuses to learn English. Making language policies such as Proposition 227 nothing but problematic. Carter concludes his argument by stating that Spanish is an economy and cultural resource that should be cultivated not dismantled, and should, therefore, be provided as an educational policy along with…
Grant is asking four men if he could see Jefferson and speak to him. These four white men who have decided to have complete control over how the rest of Jefferson’s life is going to go. Four white men that have decided that they are better and superior to Grant because of their skin color, despite the fact that Grant is an educated man who teaches, which is respectable. In fact, they think that they’re so much more superior than Grant that they kept him waiting for two and a half hours. Even after the blatant disrespect they showed Grant, he is still debating how to treat this discussion. Grant chose to act like the teacher he is, which was very smart. He showed that he was a teacher through his speech, how he formed sentences, his word choice,…
The two pieces of writing from Sheingold and Polleta both analyze how law can play a role in advancing rights claims in public policy.…
I realize that it is opposite of the manner in which this school had begun, but it seems as though we have little choice. We already have a faculty unit that is looking to form a union due to the budget crisis, we should probably consider coming back to them with a better long-term plan in place.…
Published on November of 1987, Federalist 10 is considered one of the most treasured constitutional documents in American History. James Madison starts this paper off stating that in collaborative governments, faction is a menacing virtue. “AMONG the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union, none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction. The friend of popular governments never finds himself so much alarmed for their character and fate, as when he contemplates their propensity to this dangerous vice”(Madison, Paragraph 1). The vital advantage is attaining the ability to either vanquish it or control it. Factions were groups of citizens with interests that were irreconcilable…
Tim Wise had a different childhood than most, he was raised by the phrase "Race matters." As a pre-schooler he was sent to a mostly black school and learned to respect black authority figures. This resulted in him being more racially aware while growing up. His main argument was that racial inequality still exists today. As he went through college, he became very involved in a group that advocated for better rights for people in Africa. Several weeks later, he was asked what he had done to address racism in his own city, New Orleans. He then realized he hadn't done anything in his own town. He began working for the next twenty years to advocate for racial equality still exists. The argument is made that white people are blind to their advantages and privileges. According to Wise, white privileges is built into our system and has helped us without us knowing. White people in the US have had many more privileges compared to people of color, it's just built into the foundation of our…
The issue of English language learners (ELL) and their rights to an education has been a major topic of debate for many years. Should ELL students be taught in their first language? Will they learn English, or should they be put into English speaking classes? That has been the topic of discussion amongst educators. Which method is better for the student? The arguments continue and many states and school districts have made a decision on what to do. One state in particular had a serious ELL problem, so California took action. In 1998, California implemented a program called Proposition 227.…
It goes without question, that human beings will always question the existence of “God”. Whether these questions are formed in support or denial of an omnipresent creator they are important in helping shape our morality. H J McCloskey and his article “On Being and Atheist” is very critical of theists. It thus presents several arguments on how believers are incorrect in their belief in “God”, cosmological and teleological. McCloskey also focus’s on the existence of evil and how one can find comfort in atheism when facing evil.…
The federal government has changed the ground work and the organization of scholastic lessons in the educational systems in 2001 with the “No Child Left behind Act”. The law say that each state is to embrace English Language Learners in the state assessment and evaluate the student’s language skill “with valid, reliable assessments in the areas of oral language and reading and writing skills, more specifically comprehension, speaking, listing, reading, and writing”(Cook, 2007). The requirements of these assessment also include assisting in the students’ accomplishment of the state’s academic achievement standards. Since the federal standards has been made to the educational system there needs to be a new method created and evaluated in the way that states and schools can continue adjusting and properly evaluating English Language Learners.…
According to Peter Railton we should feel uneasy when fact/value distinction is similar to objectivity/subjectivity and reason/emotion. If we stop viewing fact and value as distinct the facts may be softened while the values may be hardened. Railton is concerned with generic/non-moral goodness or intrinsic value. The philosophical defense of fact/value distinction consists of the arguments from rational determinability, internalism, and the argument from “queer-ness.” Rational determinability are factual disputes that can be resolved by appealing to reason and experience, but facts are hard. Internalism and instrumentalism supports the fact and value distinction. Thinking of goodness can be similarly relative to “nutritiveness,” that all organisms require nutrition but do not utilize the same nutrients. There is no absolute nutrient, meaning that there is no such thing as something being nutritious for all organisms, there is only relational nutritiveness. Railton also believes that someone being good involves what he or she would want for themselves while being free of “cognitive error or lapses of instrumental rationality.” The argument from queerness (which concerns the nature of reality), provides that human motivational system and situations support counterfactuals to characterize intrinsic goodness. Determinates are factors that influence desires we form and how such desires will evolve In response to many changes including one’s own belief, however an actual individual’s beliefs will fall short of expressing full information. Naturalness consists facts about a given person’s “psychology, physiology, and circumstances that are reduction basis” of his or her dispositions to desire. One’s own good can play a role in evolution in their own behavior even without forming an accurate idea of…
I feel like the first sentence of Earl’s statement is true because those two-thirds of adolescent and adult usually start drinking at a young age. That would make it easier for them to get attached to alcohol . Having people take a written test just to get a drinking license could help but it wouldn’t help as much. I also think that stores would lose money because not everyone that drinks is going to have a drinking license. I disagree with Earl Rochester argument.…