property for every $100,000 of assess value (Horvath, 2016) will lead the way for permanent supportive housing in hopes to reduce homelessness and give individuals the promise of a new life once again.
As the numbers concerning the population in the homeless community have increased, Proposition HHH will be able to provide affordable housing, temporary shelters and other services to those in need and to those who may fit into this classification (Los Angeles County, 2016). The implementation of permanent supportive housing not only decreases homelessness but has proven to be successful. Studies have found that individuals are more positively accepting of this type of program than any other model including restrictive forms of care (Colorado Coalition, 2016). In such programs, individuals can afford rent, living conditions meet Housing Quality Standards and, most importantly, management is inclined to work with the individual(s) (Community Housing Network, 2016). This type of assistance provides basic survival needs but will help many individuals and families rehabilitate. Thus, receiving a second chance in life and becoming contributing members to society. Although, Proposition HHH may seem expensive, per an editorial by the LA Times, county services for the homeless cost almost $1 Billion (2016). This goes to show that permanent supportive housing will be more cost effective, practical and productive rather than ignoring the issue at hand.
We expect Proposition HHH to reduce homelessness in the City of Los Angeles.
The overall success should be evaluated in contingent on the financial management effectiveness and how efficient management can monitor the complete program. Initial assessment of a client is crucial to determine eligibility to provide further adequate and resourceful services. In addition, this serves as a tool to place individuals in the correct program rather than having them go from one plan to another. This proposition should be policy friendly and have minimal restrictions or easier guidelines for individuals to qualify rather than to disqualify them for benefits. Furthermore, the budget for Proposition HHH should be equally distributed amongst all the programs that it is entailed for however, allocation of funds can be made as needed to improve the overall success of the proposition. Nevertheless, one imperative aspect is the payment process to third party vendors for their services in a timely manner, if applicable. This procedure will help keep vendors providing services without any interruptions to people who are receiving care through the
Another outcome that our group would like to see in Proposition HHH is the integration of individuals into society with the right tools and skills for them to not only be fully sustainable, physically, mentally but financially as well. Providing educational programs, job placement workshops with ample training and mental health counseling services will serve as a safety net if problems continue to arise once again. In addition, this proposition should raise awareness and make people realize that this is a bigger problem other than just housing. Regardless of one’s physical, emotional or economic status, people require some type of aid to fully function in society. Therefore, if people are more conscious of the proposition and the effects that homelessness has, individuals are more likely going to be inclined to support changes to assist those in this specific population.