Judgment and Proposition
* Ideas are not enough to give us a comprehensive knowledge of things because the human intellect cannot grasp in one apprehensive act all the perfections of a thing.
* The human mind has to proceed step by step, interrelating the ideas apprehended into judgment.
* The logical union of different ideas in a judgment reflects the real unity of things.
*Is a mental operation that pronounces the agreement or disagreement between two ideas.
* As ideas are expressed in the concrete through the use of terms, judgment is expressed in the concrete through the use of proposition.
*A proposition is a linguistic expression or the sensible sign of the judgment.
Constituents of a Proposition:
1. Subject – is the one spoken of, the one about whom or of which something is affirmed or denied.
2. Predicate – is what is affirmed or denied of the subject.
3. Copula – links the subject with the predicate.
4. The subject and predicate are called the matter because they are the materials or ingredients out of which the proposition is made.
5. The copula is the form for it is the unifying principle that gives the structure of a proposition.
Categorical Propositions
* Is that which gives a direct assertion of agreement or disagreement between the subject term and the predicate term.
The Standard-Form Categorical Proposition
* A standard-form categorical proposition contains four elements:
1. The quantifier
2. The subject term
3. The predicate term
4. The copula
* “All squatters are homeless.”
* Quantifier: All
* Subject : Squatters
* Copula: Are
* Predicate: Homeless
* The quantifier indicates the degree of universality (quantity) of the subject. A universal proposition is that which takes the subject in the entirety of its extension; a particular proposition limits this extension; and a singular proposition restricts it an individual subject.
* The Universal Quantifier. A universal