You can always take classes at community college before you to to university. You can save money and decide on a major. Make sure you can transfer credits to the college you want to attend later, though. If 4-year schools are too pricey, this makes a lot of sense.…
They are easy to get into; as long as students have their high school diploma. Also, they are a good opportunity for families in any sort of financial condition. As the prominent philosopher Addison puts it, “They offer a network of affordable future, of accessible hope, and an option to dream” (258). Her point is that community college will always be there to give a chance for people who want to learn, but cannot afford to attend a university. Addison’s theory of community colleges is extremely useful because it sheds light on the difficult problem of students getting accepted into universities right away or financial problems that students face with. Addison overlooks what I consider an important point about the differences between universities and community colleges. Since university is more expensive than community college, many people have a lot of debt, and they have trouble on finding a job to pay that debt. It would be better to go to community college and get all the prerequisites or get a college degree, get a job, then save money for a university to get a higher level. That way we don’t have to worry about all the…
College or "Secondary Education" is often catergorized as an essential aspect of life's development. Throughout high school we are equipped with the skills neccessary to determine our life's goals and choice of career. Once all tests are taken and classes passed, it all boils down to our choice of college; That is, if we choose to attend. Many factors contribute to the overall decision of what educational institution a student wishes to attend. Furthermore, one of the first and most difficult decisions they are required make is whether they will to attend a commmunity college or a university. There are various advantages and disadvatages to each choice. There are also various factors that can be compared and contrasted in relevance to each choice and what they have to offer.…
As you can see, there are many disadvantages to going to community college. Some of these disadvantages are, the numerous scheduling issues, the community college not receiving enough funding, and the numerous people who are struggling in school because of home and work life. These are some of the disadvantages to going to community…
Community colleges can be very convenient because the location is basically at home. On the other hand, a university that is a distance away from home leads to higher living expenses. According to the College Board seventy-five percent of the time, the tuition and fees are what make the student decide which educational institution to attend. While the tuition and fees at a university may be higher compared to the community college, scholarship opportunities are offered widely at a university, thus, lowering the cost if the student…
Would community colleges be cheaper for students? Does it matter where students start their post‐secondary educations, as long as they end up with bachelor’s degrees?…
Therefore, when a community college student is from rural, suburban, urban America, or a foreign country, these two year schools truly offer the wider community access to on-going, hands-on, practical learning opportunities and subsequent benefits, as each student takes the next step in their…
Many reasons for me the determination to attend college; some of the reasons are I want to increased knowledge, make new experiences and career preparation. The community college teaches us closer such as labor, friendly and even loving relationships. Not to mention the friendships in the future could thrive in jobs, businesses and societies. A community college will definitely broaden the horizon of our view of things. Completed college will help me meet the demands that exist in the current job market. When choosing a profession they can learn different skills, which will help me succeed. Studying in a community college can be one of the most enriching experiences of our life…
My educational plans as of right now is to either start off at a community college and then transfer to Oregon Institute of Technology to go into Oregon Institute Of Technology right after high school. Going into a community college first would save me a lot of money and it wouldn't be a bad place to start off at. I would like to start off at OIT because it seems like the right school for me and I won't have to deal with transferring later. Regardless of where I choose to go I will be working towards getting my bachelors in dental hygiene. I want to pursue this career because I want to help others feel confident about their smiles and it's something I can see myself being good at. My parents inspire me the most, they've done so much for our…
There are many benefits to attending a community college and these are some of the benefits I feel that I have gotten from my school. Community College has given me the opportunity to receive a quality education for a reasonable price. The teachers here care about me and want to see me succeed in all that I do, while also encouraging me to strive for success in achieving my dreams. My advisors know of my goals and want to see me achieve them. The smaller classes make it easier for my professors to be able to work with me one on one. Another benefit of attending a community college is that I was able to join Phi Theta Kappa and hold leadership positions on campus. I am able to apply for scholarships through Phi Theta Kappa, and also work on…
When it comes to your junior year of high school the topic college starts to appear in your conversations more often. You start to think about what college you want to attend and then soon enough you start the application process. Some students have the grades and funds to venture off into the collages they want. On the other hand, there are some students who start their college experience at a community college because they don't have the grades or funds to venture off to their dream college. To some, community college is the way to go to get their grades up to par with their dream schools standers or until they have enough funds to attend their dream college. Community college, in some cases, may be a benefit to their students, but in…
After graduating high school a lot of people do not know what their next step in life will be. Some struggle between deciding to go straight into the workforce, joining the military, or continuing their education by going to college. The average person chooses college as their next step. A common issue about going to college is whether to go to a two-year college/community college or straight into a four-year university. I think community college is the smarter and better choice. People fail to realize that going to community college helps you save thousands of dollars. Not only that, but students with undecided majors better find their way while saving money at community colleges. They are very flexible and can provide students with a better transition from high school while benefiting from their smaller class sizes and campuses.…
After a few short hours of comparing the University to the Community colleges. I decided I would benefit from a smaller classroom, a lower financial responsibility, and a more relaxed admission requirements that the community college offered. I can honestly say I feel confident with my decision and less worried about my anxiety sending me into a panic attack that would only land me into the…
Community College education is something that helps me every single day. It has prepared me to write this very essay. The biggest volunteer service I have done is to volunteer for the United States Army. I am loud and proud to be a part of the greatest fighting force in the world. Through education it has made me even better at my military occupation. I have recently been promoted to a Sergeant. My education has made this possible with the qualities and knowledge I needed to get there. Recently, my unit asked me to give a presentation at the High School I attended. I knew I was qualified and prepared through my community college education. Especially because I was in Public Speaking at the time.…
There is way more pros of going to a community college than cons, but you also do have to take the cons into consideration when making a decision. Sometimes you just can be as socially involved in a Community College than you can in a UC. There is not as many opportunities in a Community College as there is in a UC. The UC is was bigger and has more people, classes, other activities. You can learn more things, meet new people, and just have a way better experience in a UC than you can in a…