Contract versus Proprietary Security
As an organization grows they gain assets and they gain value. Their buildings and offices have value. Their systems and processes have a certain value also. With all of this value this organization will need some sort of protection to deter theft, vandalism and destruction. The boardroom conversation could go from, “We have nice stuff” to “How are we going to protect it.” Leadership will then need to decide how they will handle the issue of protecting their items that the business owns.
In the decision process they will need to look at the pros and cons of both proprietary security and contract security. Both of them …show more content…
These people are hired by the business HR personnel and go through the same hiring process as any normal employee. Though these individuals may not have anything to do with the core functions of the business, they will go through the same type of process. This can lead to issues that are outside the scope or this paper. The in-house security, of course, has advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages for hiring in-house security personnel are numerous. The first main one is that you have total control of the policies and the enforcement. You, as the manager, have total control of reporting and rules for the guards. Another advantage is that you can pay them as you build up the organization, so the cost isn’t one big payment but smaller payments. Hiring practices are another good thing about in-house security. You can be sure of the character of the person that you are bringing into your business and you can ask them all of the questions that you need during the interview. In-house security can be compensated well enough so the business can minimize turnover. Turnover can be bad if the employer isn’t paying the guards well enough based upon the national standard. (Blake, …show more content…
My company used several contractors and had a each one put in a proposal. Yet before we could attain a proposal we actually made a formal request for proposal (RFP) from five companies. An RFP is a request for proposal. This is a tool that an organization uses to identify a need and to get bids back from companies that can fulfill that need for the organization. For example, if a company needs to hire contract security for their office building they will spell out all of the requirements in the RFP. The RFP has many sections and should identify all areas of the requirements. These tools are used by large and small businesses but the larger the business the more formal the RFP is. The reason for this is because there could be a large amount of money involved and there could be issues of fair practices if the process wasn’t handles correctly.
Every decision made by a company has consequences. Whether the consequences are positive or negative all on board must have agreed to the same decision making process, plus take responsibility for all actions involved. The company I own now does utilize contracted security vices proprietary. The reason for this is because the previous business I was in used internal security and could not keep up, plus never budgeted for the financial responsibility of an in-house security system.