Boot camps are very positive because it requires individuals to stick to a schedule, get up early, and refrain from bad behaviors (“How to Adult”). Steps like military drills, discipline, physical exercise, hard physical labor, specialized education …show more content…
Correctional boot camps can be very brutal to the people in the program. Not all people take criticism well and after all the physical and emotional pain, it can lead to more long lasting issues. If the program is not a good fit for their abilities, the person might feel defeated. If the individual in boot camp isn’t physically fit and unable to achieve the physical goals, they might not experience a sense of accomplishment (“Communizine”). Which can be a problem in the future to continue to act out negatively. The “National Institute of Justice” report also found that boot camps rarely focus on transitioning juveniles back to society; and the rigid program structure does not allow the flexibility to deal with juveniles as individuals (“How to Adult”). Last,ly an Oregon developed in-prison treatment programs targeted primarily to medium- and high-risk juvenile boot camps increased recidivism rates about 11 percent. After further evaluations low or moderate-risk juvenile and adult offenders who are subjected to a high level of supervision (boot camps) actually do worse than those left on traditional probation (“Corrections in America”).
Overall Correctional boot camps has its fair share of pros and cons due to its structure Before this essay I believed correctional boot camps were the best solution and a great way to reduce your time as an inmate, or a great source for a deterrent. However, after the research I’ve conducted it only makes matters worse. Structure is important for all citizens no matter if you are incarcerated or not, but too much of it can make bigger issues then