Spaulding stated that depending on which stage of change a person is in will determine that person’s treatment plan and the appropriate interventions to use. He went on to discuss the five stages of change, which are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Dr. Spaulding informed me that a person in the precontemplation stage has no intentions to change, therefore encouraging self-awareness and personal risks are appropriate interventions for this stage. Someone in the contemplation stage is a person who intends to take action, so Dr. Spaulding stated you want to this person to do an analysis of the pros and cons of changing his behavior as well as identify and encourage new goals. A person in the preparation stage is someone who intends to take action and who has taken action already. Dr. Spaulding reported that the appropriate intervention for this stage is to encourage the first small steps and identify social support. Someone in the action stage has changed overt behavior for less than six months; appropriate interventions in this stage of change involves reinforcing benefits and dealing with feelings of loss. Dr. Spaulding stated that the maintenance stage refers to someone who has changed overt behavior for more than six months and that someone in the maintenance stage should have a plan for follow-up support and reinforce internal …show more content…
Spaulding stated it’s important for someone who is dealing with substance abuse to change people, places, and things that he did while using. If not, that person will find himself being triggered either psychologically, behaviorally, or emotionally that will cause him to use or want to use again. Dr. Spaulding stated certain substances are difficult to withdraw off of, even after someone has received detox treatment. Dr. Spaulding also informed me that someone who is recovering from substance abuse is usually advised not to make any major decisions within the first year of getting clean. He stated it’s imperative for someone in recovery to follow certain steps; from his experience in the prison, most of them have been court ordered to attend ninety meetings in ninety days and get a sponsor. Dr. Spaulding reported it’s important to get the family involved in family treatment to address family dysfunction, and that family-related stress is the leading cause of