From viewing your discussion board you have a great start on an argumentive essay. I would have to disagree with DUI or OWI being a mandatory jail. Experiences that I’ve encountered being in the criminial justice field of study is some offenses don’t need jail time with a first time offense of an dui or owi, they need some rehibilition assistance by a professional to prove that they can remain sober on being on probation. Acaution that comes to mind is not everyone lives in Texas. The main point one isn’t really related to you theisis some people would gather the information thinking if a drivers resulting in a owi gets their license suspended for 3 to 5 years the law would be revoked due to the ignition interlock law. Second
point doesn’t really relate to the thesis theres a confusion wether you agree or disagree with the thesis in the second point. Third point isn’t related to thesis statement, sobriety testing is done when on probation by the probation officer randomly. A good suggestion to improve on outline is revising your thesis statement asking yourself do you think its unfair or fair in some states how owi’s are handled in the U.S.