Stem cells are nonspecialized cells that can create other types of specific cells. These cells serve as a repair system inside of many tissues. The cells divide with no limit as long as the organism is alive. All stem cells can divide, they are unspecialized, and they give rise to specialized cell types. Cell differentiation is the process in which unspecialized cells become specialized cells. This …show more content…
Many are saying that scientists should not be experimenting with human life. Although an embryo is destroyed in the process of retrieving the cells, the research could lead to outcomes that could save many people’s lives. If the embryos are frozen and never touched again, then what is the point? They could be used for important medical purposes. Another concern for some people are that this cell research could lead to cloning in the future. No one knows if this is possible or will soon be possible, but if the research is conducted by the right people, this should not be a problem. Federal funding is another issue that comes to mind when many think of this research experiment. Bills to provide funding have been denied by presidents and congress men, yet many important politicians believe that the funding should be provided. For example, Barack Obama voted for a legislation that would have provided funding for the research.
It is obvious that donating embryos for medical research has more pros to outweigh any of the ethical, moral, and political issues. This research could lead to life saving outcomes and medical breakthroughs. After all, if the embryos are not donated, are they just going to stay frozen