In my stance, my argument is that the Enlightenment has failed, but not completely. There is still a reminiscence that remains. However because of t The influence of the enlightenment on the French revolution
Goethe declared long ago that under no circumstances that the statement of fact is free from theory. The Enlightenment was not complete. The Enlightenment was not a complete amalgamated political plank, a determined manifesto or plan, but a budding outlook of society that engrossed in an imprecise, though distinguishable, forms of assumptions, a category of suggestions, and a rhetorical style like the Socratic dialogue. page 13 These dreams were just dreams, just that, inflated expectations …show more content…
at odds with the social and political realities of post-revolutionary France. The refusal to accept the world as given and the visionary desire to reshape it in keeping with an ideal. This is important not for the sake of being accurate, but because the false histories in fact lead to false representations of our agreed-upon ethics. The enlightenment philosophers were completely divorced of reality and whose ideas were entirely destructive of laws, customs, morality, and religion. the Enlightenment supplanted and misled our ethics more than it helped them.
There are many elements of truth. The enlightenment is limited to knowledge. The differences are even wider when it comes to selection and interpretation. The myth of human perfection was born out of blindness to the inherent limitations of humanity, as well as disregard for the lessons of the poast. The Enlightenment has a wrongly defined existence, considering the Enlightenment could reach the wealthy and the literate. The Enlightenment could only spread so far. Even now, with an increase in literacy from the 18th century, people are still not reading enough thought-provoking books. A new survey from the Pew Research Center reveals that the percentage of Americans who read books has dropped in the past year. The study found that overall, 72% of American adults have read a book in the past year, while the percentage for millennials, ages 18 to 29, was higher: 80%. Nowadays, you don’t see many philosophical books cause revolutions. Their books catered to the level, tastes, and education of readers able to affords them – a relative elite.
We cannot simply solve problems just by using reasoning. On November 8, 2016 the United States presidential election proved to tell the tale of how irrationality came over rationality, and although, poor outsider Rousseau had predicted this by ____, the ballots for Trump indicated this.
• These dreams were just dreams, just that, inflated expectations at odds with the social and political realities of post-revolutionary france.
• The refusal to accept the world as given and the visionary desire to reshape it in keeping with an ideal.
• The philosophes are self interested fanatics who are recklessly destroying living institutions and new constitution would not survive. Aka the us constitution.
The guys like Voltaire, had charm and character, like his brothers, page 61 It is much like a cult, there as much faith in reason, as there is grace in Christianity, making a cult of it won’t last long.
• Whereas philosophers aren’t taken as seriously, they still work shitty jobs
Although, The Enlightenment hasn’t failed entirely since America wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for movement. Since the Right still exist, and they began to exist due to reacting to the Enlightenment, the right-wing ideology developed in response to quintessentially modern phenomenon – The Enlightenment – it follows that it too, was Modern. This is what Isaiah Berlin clearly recognized. There was never a single Right, any more than a single Left, had not the Enlightenment occurred, we would not have those distinctions today, the Enlightened disguised as liberals, and conservatives on the other hand still conserving their ideologies. It is still a fight to death.
The justice system is more separate than it used to be.
A huge proponent of the Enlightenment, Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws suggested the theory of the separation of powers in order to obtain a political system of checks and balances, promoting order and equality. The elected officials are susceptible to use one’s to their advantage in the present climate in society, to a greater extent now that they can make sense of the population more. It is nearly impossible to have knowledge and be good willed, since jealousy, suspicion, fear, coldness, reserve, hate, and fraud lie constantly concealed. There is no rational reason to be good. So how does the American government control its population? The way it still is – divide and conquer. It pits one group against the other and lets them fight. Native-Americans against whites. Blacks against whites. Red states against blue states. Pro-choice against pro-life. Women against men. Liberals against conservatives. Straight against gay. The fighting is endorsed and encouraged by the power elite because it distracts their unjust or illegal methods of control, that if carefully examined and brought to light, would bring into question their very justification of authority. People don’t have the time to question systems, so like sheep we go along with the flow of society. I.e. our phones, the facts we don’t look for, and the influence of others who are uncredible. People are hard-wired to decide what’s true, ethical, or ideal based on emotional triggers, not rationality. Science shows that people are not interested in thinking for themselves. This exact quality of people is the reason for the proliferation of Fake News, it’s why our elected leaders continue to ignore climate change, and it’s the reason Russian troll farms were able to exert so much influence over the opinions of American voters in 2016 and beyond. Nowadays, individualism is fully grown and counterproductive. For example, a doctor must constantly struggle
against patients who self-diagnose, because they “studied” something on the internet. According to George Ritzer, professor of sociology and author of The McDonaldization of Society, contemporary western society allows one to be both self-sufficient and dependent in detrimental ways.