The act of killing is restricted by all religions. Religions possess that life is a gift from God and human beings are valuable. Islam totally opposes euthanasia. Furthermore, The Qur’an says that Allah created all life and everything belongs to him. In addition, Christianity also is against euthanasia. The arguments are usually based on the beliefs that life is given by God, and that human beings are made in God's image. However, some churches emphasize the significance of not being involved with the natural procedures of death. For instance, choosing the time and place of a person's death is God's decision. Yet, if doctors were to seek medical …show more content…
The simple principles of medical ethics are “to avoid harm”, “to do well”, “the right to act freely”, and “acting fairly towards the patient”. Doctors should try to save patient’s life instead of ending it. They have the responsibility not to kill the trusting patients, but give all their best to secure the life of their patients. Even if the patients are hard to cure, they should still try and not make euthanasia an option. Therefore, doctors do not have the right to decide whether their patients would live or die as long as their patients are alive, there is always a hope for curing. For instance, many European countries are legalizing euthanasia. Unfortunately, not only doctors, but also nurses are favoring euthanasia in the extreme