
Pros And Cons Of Expanded Mind Theory

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Pros And Cons Of Expanded Mind Theory
In recent years there has been a grand debate about the virtues and flaws of many

blossoming technologies; most notably being computers and the internet and their effects on the

mind. I believe that the discussion of whether or not this technology is good or bad for our minds

is flawed because technology is not an external influence, but rather an extension of our own

brains. A thing cannot be good or bad for itself: it just is. This is the premise of Expanded Mind


So what exactly is Expanded Mind Theory? It is the theory that there is a neural bridge

between the two parts of our brain: the tissue part and the electronic part. Our electronic brains

are connected wirelessly to our tissue brains via a screen of light sent from
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It is impossible to perceive the entire universe and its infinite splendor,

therefore that which we cannot perceive, pertaining to the universe (and otherwise) can

theoretically not exist in our scope of perception.

Finally, perhaps the greatest proof of expanded mind theory lies in the evolution of our

minds over time. Our brains have evolved over the past millennia to adapt to the technology it

conceives. The merging of tissue and electronic parts is no different. We are in the midst of a

phase of evolution like any other where some skills and knowledge become obsolete, and the old

will be replaced by the new. The skills and knowledge form long ago which were helpful for

surviving in the wilderness or building wooden ships no longer apply. They are useless now, but

the technologies that they begat have influenced the development of new skills and knowledge

that will define the future. In time, today’s skills and knowledge will fade as well, only to be

replaced by the skills and knowledge required to survive in whatever future awaits the

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