3. I HAVE BEEN EXERCISING FOR TWO WEEKS AND HAVE ONLY LOST 4 POUNDS If you are on a fat-loss …show more content…
I HAVE HEARD IF I STOP WEIGHT TRAINING, ALL MY MUSCLES WILL TURN INTO FAT? People still believe this myth. When you stop working out, your muscles start to atrophy or decrease in size. When muscles shrink, metabolism goes down and you are burning fewer calories in your resting state. If you've been used to eating 2.OOO calories a day while you lifted, continue the level without the calorie-burning of the muscles and you will need to do something with the excess calories. Bad news -- the excess goes on the body as fat, which is placed around the atrophied muscle. The appearance is that your muscle has turned to flab. It is an illusion. Muscle can't turn into fat or vice versa any more than an apple can turn into an …show more content…
I JUST WANT TO TONE. I DON'T WANT TO TURN INTO A MUSCLE MAN The word "tone" is misleading. Pure and simple, when you tone a muscle, you are building it up. The hormone testosterone is responsible for massive muscles. On the average, men have 10 times as much of the guy stuff as women. It is nearly impossible for women to achieve that bulked muscle look unless they are taking anabolic steroids.
6. WON'T WEIGHT TRAINING MAKE ME LESS FLEXIBLE? On the contrary, it will make you more flexible, if you are doing it correctly. If you are lifting incorrectly strains and pulls will negatively impact your joints. With some initial instruction and monitoring, weight training is not difficult to master. People in their 90s use resistance training as part of their fitness programs. As long as you perform the full range of motion in your weight lifting movements, you will add to flexibility. Include a regular stretching routine in your regime and you'll double your