The article, by Reisert, states that it is unlikely that the federal government will take back the law Colorado has instated, (Reisert, 2015). It is examples like these that make the idea of Federalism stand out.
According to the website, US History, Federalism has both pros and cons. Some pros of federalism are that it allows issues like tyranny to be less avoidable, and that individual state needs can be met, (US History, n.d.). Some disadvantages, stated in the article, is that things are not fast and efficient anymore, (US History, n.d.). The website also stated that states are more likely to argue, which goes perfectly with the two articles we had to read for class.
Obviously, like most things pertaining to the government, there are pros and cons. One of the biggest issues that seemed to arise with the legalization of marijuana was stated in the article written by Trever Hughes. The article states that, “harder drugs, like heroin and meth, have followed the increase in marijuana availability,” (Hughes, 2014). Now these may be issues, there are also pros to