I think this because I focus on the negative and then move onto the positives. Some of the negatives or likely called the cons for hydraulic fracturing is that it harms animal or like the aquatic life. The negative qualities of the hydraulic fracturing is that it contaminates the groundwater, the air quality decreases, but also the air is contaminated. Most of the negative things about hydraulic fracturing is that it mostly harms the environment. Hydraulic Fracturing really can’t help the air quality around us because it will mostly remain the same and contaminate it or affect it somehow. It mainly affects the air quality that we breathe or that is all around us. For example like the air pollution the air pollution is like what is going on in one of the negative concepts of the hydraulic fracturing. But the air pollution is caused by the factories and like the cars and any transportation except the bikes. The fracturing doesn’t really clean the air that is why I had that example. The fracturing is the process by which millions of gallons of water, sand, and chemicals are pumped underground which break apart the rock and then releases the gas. The animal deaths and diseases is also caused from hydraulic …show more content…
The pros about the hydraulic fracturing tells us like the good thing and what it doesn’t harm. In my opinion I feel like it is better to know what should we might be prepared. The negative things at least tells us what is being harmed outside or what harms us. Like one of the negatives tell us that the air is contaminated and also the air quality decreases. The air to us is really important to at least be a little or a lot clean so we don’t get sick or get a disease. Kids today might have asthma. The asthma is like a disease that has to deal with your lungs. For the kids who have asthma they are being harmed because the air is being polluted. That is why I feel like we should know at least what harms the air that harms the people. If they know then they should know what to do to not make themselves feel