any act exceeding the constitutional bounds of the office, behavior grossly incompatible with the proper function and purpose of the office and/or employing the power of the office for an improper purpose or for personal gain.
The first reason we should impeach him is that he is putting our nation further into debt.
One thing to prove this is that our nation’s debt when George W. Bush left office was $10.7 trillion, but now that Obama took office, it is over $17.9 trillion. Our debt has risen by over $7.2 trillion in only 5 ½ years. This means that our federal debt is up by 65%. In addition, our nation’s debt is projected to be $20+ trillion by time Obama leaves office in 2016. The second reason we should impeach Obama is that he is not putting the American citizens first. The number of people in poverty in America has risen by 6.7 million. The number of people receiving food stamps rose by 44%. The amount of real household income is down by 5%. Furthermore, the amount of debt held by the public is up by 99%. Finally, the percent of American’s that own their own home is down by 2.5%. The third reason we should impeach him is that he is putting our nation’s security at risk. He has refused to enforce federal law and protect the country’s southern border, as well as having his administration sue states like Arizona for trying to enforce the border’s security themselves. Obama’s Justice Department facilitated Operation Fast and Furious, a failed gun running operation that ultimately ended up arming the Mexican drug cartels. He repeatedly leaked classified information for political gain. In addition, The Benghazi Terror Attack never would have happened if Obama had not violated The War Powers Act, and
used military force against Libya without congressional approval. On the contrary, the only reason we should not impeach him is that he is helping the ecology. The first reason for this is that our nation’s wind and solar power production rose by 231% since Obama first took office. The second reason is the petroleum imports dropped by 48%. This is because our crude oil production rose by 67%. Finally the miles per gallon amount on new vehicles has improved by 21%, which means vehicles can go farther on less fuel. In conclusion, congress should impeach Obama for many reasons. The first reason is that he is putting our nation further into debt. The second reason is that he is not putting the American citizen first. The final reason is that he is putting our nation’s security. So now you might be wondering, “What can I do to help get him impeached?” Well, you can sign the petitions that are online or even write your own and get others to sign. Finally, you can write and call your congressional representative about why you think they should vote to impeach Obama.