Pt. 1 Dx. F/79 CVA with ® hem paresis on dominate side.
LTG. Pt. to safely perform self care tasks and functional mobility with SBA.
STG. 1. Pt. to improve (B) UE AROM and functional strength demonstrated by ® shoulder abd. 50%, ® shoulder flexion 45 degrees, ® elbow flexion 105 degrees, ® elbow extension -42 degrees.
2. Pt. to safely transfer to all functional surfaces with SBA.
3. Pt. to improve standing bal. to F+
4. Pt. to perform UB ADLs with min A. (may require assistive technology)
Activities Various Thera band exercises to increase UE strength. This will increase functional strength, flexion, extension, and also aid pt. with safely transferring. Cones …show more content…
Pt to increase (B) shoulder flex. strength to 3+.
4. Pt. to increase LB ADLs to mod A. 5. Pt. to perform functional transfers with good safety.
Activities Hand gripper. To increase strength in hands to help with safe transfers, and ADLs. ROM arc. To increase (B) shoulder ROM, and to increase activity tolerance. Sit to stand. This will aid in activity tol., and safely performing transfers. Thera band exercise. This will increase UB strength to aid in safe transfers, (B) shoulder flexion, and activity tol. Dressing activity. This will aid in LB ADLs and also help to teach Pt. how to conserve energy. Breathing activity. This will teach Pt. proper technique to breath due to COPD. Safety education. This will help teach proper rest breaks and also transfer techniques due to COPD.
Pt. 5 Dx. F/77 Femur fracture (L)
LTG. Pt. to perform all ADLs with mod (I), demonstrate safe functional mobility with mod (I) (upon clearance for WB status).
STG. 1. Pt. will improve sitting bal. to "good" both static and dynamic.
2. Pt. will safely perform UB ADLs with SBA.
3. Pt. will improve bed mobility demonstrated by supine to …show more content…
1. Pt. will improve bed mobility (I), demo by rolling with min A, supine to sit, sit to supine with min A. 2. Pt. to improve sitting bal. to F+ static/dynamic. 3. Pt. will safely transfer to all functional surfaces with mod A.
4. Pt. will safely perform UB ADLs with SBA.
5. Pt. will self feed with SBA.
Activities Sitting reclines. This is to strengthen trunk to improve balance and bed mobility. Feeding activity. To increase ADLs, and activity tolerance. Thera band. This will increase UB strength to aid in sit to stand, bed mobility, and UB ADLs. Reaching for cones. This will improve sitting bal. static/dynamic, flexion and extension of UE to improve UB ADLs, and bed mobility. Safety education. This is to educate Pt. on WB precautions, and transfer precautions. Bed Mobility. To increase functional transfers, activity tolerance, and improve UE rom and strength.
Pt. 8 Dx. F/51 Osteoarthritis and overall weakness
LTG. Pt. will increase strength, tolerance, ROM, and ADLs to reach max level of functioning (I). STG. 1. Pt. to increase grooming ADL to mod