Legalizing prostitution could help young ladies that are doing sex work. It can give tem hope, and maybe even clarity. It can give them some of the protection that they need and can help prevent from more abusive things. Hopefully legalizing prostitution can cut down the amount of unwanted sex workers. By not legalizing prostitution you are putting sex workers at risk because by it not being legalized they are not guaranteed safety. Plus they are going to do it any ways so why not make it legal and try and keep some of them safer than normal. Knowing what I know now I still believe that prostitution should be legalized, but even more now. Since they are going to do it regardless they should have rules and
Legalizing prostitution could help young ladies that are doing sex work. It can give tem hope, and maybe even clarity. It can give them some of the protection that they need and can help prevent from more abusive things. Hopefully legalizing prostitution can cut down the amount of unwanted sex workers. By not legalizing prostitution you are putting sex workers at risk because by it not being legalized they are not guaranteed safety. Plus they are going to do it any ways so why not make it legal and try and keep some of them safer than normal. Knowing what I know now I still believe that prostitution should be legalized, but even more now. Since they are going to do it regardless they should have rules and