it is a much greater problem than that. Since people were eligible to vote in the United States, the voting participation percentage hasnt been that great.
In 1948 only 51% of eligible voters participated in the elections and in 2012 it only increased a mere 11% more to 62%. I believe that the problem is that the United States government hasnt done a great job in encouraging people to be a part of making a decision that'll greatly affect their future and they havent expressed the importance of voting to the entire population. So with this people dont feel that their vote is needed and that it wont make an impact on who ends up winning the election. The results is people dont turn up to the elections and the voting percentage of people goes
down. There are many ways for the United States to improve the percentage of people who vote, but I'm not too sure how much they actually want to do that because I full heartedly believe that if they really wanted to improve the number of people who voted, they would've already done things to improve it. Some different ways that United States could improve the voting participation percentage is to make people feel more involved in the world of politics. Let them understand the importance of their opinion and the impact that their vote can have on the future and who ends up leading this country. They could add mobile voting booths and even allow people to vote from their homes, and if they really need to drastically improve the voting percentage they could even require people to vote. It is sad to think that you're a part of a country that has one of the lowest voting participation percentages in the world, but its time for a change. It is time that the U.S.'s younger generation step up for what they believe in and start making strides to make an impact and choose who they want to lead their country. It is time that they know how important their opinions are and how much of an impact their vote can make on this society. People need to start understanding the world of politics because this is our future and we have a say on how its going to turn out.