As the dog's owner, you'll appreciate that your pet will be more affectionate and obedient after they are spayed or neutered. For female dogs, spaying removes her heat cycle, which will eliminate the incessant crying and nervous …show more content…
They'll dig up the yard or break through fences and leashes, causing property damage and possibly injuring themselves in the process. Male dogs are less likely to roam or run away from home, mark their territory or your stuff with urine, get into fights with other animals, or to bite.
Not only do pets and pet owners benefit from the spaying and neutering procedures, but the community as well. Many times, cities and towns will spend up to millions to control animals that are wandering or unwanted. Animal shelters are completely overwhelmed with the number of pets who are found or dropped off daily. Homeless or stray pets can get into trash containers and make a mess or do their business on private lawns or in public areas. When stray dogs breed, sometimes it can contribute to the problem of dog bites and attacks. Some pets who wander the neighborhood will kill or frighten birds and other