Make Sure They Are Licensed
The first thing you should ask to see when working with a bail bond agency is their license. They should have a license that identifies them and their business. The license should be issued by the state that you live in, and should include an expiration date as well. Make sure that their bail bond license matches up with their personal and business identification information.
You should
not work with an unlicensed bail bond agent. If a bail bond agent is unlicensed, then they are not obligated to follow the rules of your state that govern the bail bond market and make it safe for both consumers and business owners.
Pay Attention To The Rates
Before you go in and obtain a bail bond, look up the interest rates that bail bond companies are allowed to charge in your state. All states regulate the bail bond industry, and have a maximum limit that bail bond companies are allowed to charge you in interest.
When you go in to obtain your bail bond, ask about the interest rate. Make sure that the interest rate does not exceed the legal limits of your state.
Read All Your Documents
Make sure that you read all the documents that the bail bond company provides you with. Be sure that the interest rates are accurate. If there are any additional charges, make sure that they are itemized and that you are provided with an adequate explanation for each additional charge.
Go over all the terms of your agreement and make sure that you understand what your obligations are. Ask any questions that you have about the process before you sign anything.
Once you sign the contract, make sure that you obtain a copy the contract. Additionally, get a receipt for any money that you pay.
If you find yourself in a position where you need to use a bail bonds company, make sure that they are licensed, charge legal rates and provide you with full documentation.