According to the “Chasing Herion” video medical staff believe that the use of opioids can be in a positive way. Dr.Russel states “The likelihood that the treatment of pain using an opioid drug which is prescribed by a doctor will lead to addiction is extremely low.” Thus supporting this claim. Opioids will be used to treat AIDS and other pain causing diseases.…
Doctors advise pregnant woman who are using drugs to substitute their drug of choice with methadone treatment because the baby can suffer from severe withdrawal symptoms in the womb. Doctors will closely examine the mother and baby. It is much better for the soon to be mother to be on methadone rather than any other drug because it is less stress on the baby. Some states offer residential treatment, homes for the homeless in severe cases. One specific program offers sterilization for men and women. Those addicted get $300 if they go through with this process. I personally don’t agree with this method however I can understand the reasons why someone would chose that solution.…
Morphine is used in many patients who have had major surgery and even older adults who have stopped eating and are at their end of life stage. It’s a type of medication that actually will slow down and stop pain from nerves in the spine that send/receive pain signals. Morphine can stop pain from morphine receptors all over the body (Jahormi 2012). Morphine is usually used in a medical/hospital setting and can be taking by mouth or injected into the body via needle, drip or pick line. There are many diseases that can be impacted by the use of morphine like Liver Disease, hypothyroidism and hypotension. Morphine is not sold over the counter and is prescribed by a doctor as a need-based medication, like many other pain medications.…
Opiates are highly addictive powerful drugs that are derived from the poppy plant and are generally used to relieve pain (mayo clinic). There are two types of opiates, natural and man-made. Though both are prescribed by physicians with the exception of heroin, often times when dealing with someone that has become addicted they are obtained illegally. Because of the potential for prescribed…
the chains of addiction there have been many forms for recovery and treatment made available to…
There is controversy of doctors overprescribing opioids to patients with chronic pain, which results in to patients becoming addicted and dependent on the drug. In 2012, Eric L Garland conducted a study in which where he researched the correlation between an opioid-dependent group and how a non-dependent group. He supported his study by including many statistics, significant information, and how accurate the data was. However, this study does not provide a valid argument that opioids are detrimental to our health. The research that was taken in this data was to see the correlation between participants taking opioids, and how opioids influenced their daily life compared to non-dependent opioid participants. Garland supported his research…
The article presents various ethical issues but the issue that stood out was the restricting of opioid use. This is a controversial topic in our country as it is estimated that 1.9 million Americans have a substance use disorder involving opioids (National Institute on Drug Abuse). Dr. Wergin faces an uncomfortable situation being the only physician in Milford and having to directly deal with the limitations on prescription opioids. He understands that while not every patient is an addict or drug seekers, it can be difficult to distinguish sometimes due to pain being subjective. He wants to be able to prescribe opioids for the patients that truly require it such as Mr. Filbert, whose pain has resisted five surgeries. The federal government…
As one of the strongest opiate drugs available, fentanyl used to help patients manage pain after a surgery, injury, or cancer diagnosis. At 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine, fentanyl excels at mitigating breakthrough pain, which occurs when someone who is already taking an opiate experiences temporary bouts of pain. However, since the drug is so strong, medical professionals need to administer it carefully to avoid undesired side effects and accidental overdoses.…
The high rate of opioid prescription brings many problems to the healthcare system, including the nursing profession, the health of individuals, their family, and their community. Many people have the perception that these type of drugs can do no harm to them, when in fact when it is misused, it can bring many problems and do more harm than good.…
The midst, eldest and most long-standing substances used for the management of pain and other medical complications is opioids. It is well-known that the naturally occurring opioids (primarily morphine and codeine), the related endogenous opioid-like peptides and synthetic chemical substances have properties that can be indorsed to action that is mediated by binding at the various opioids receptors within the central and peripheral nervous systems. A number of opioids are available for clinical use, including morphine, hydromorphone, levorphanol, oxymorphone, methadone, meperidine, oxycodone, and fentanyl.…
The concepts of this theory are the balance between analgesia and side effects, pain, and side effects themselves. Opioid analgesics often have very unpleasant side effects, so the end result is often patients taking less medication than they actually need, which results in pain not being effectively relieved. The combination of potent analgesics, pharmacological and non-pharmacological adjuvants can allow for the pain relief needed and also help minimize or eliminate unwanted side effects. Nurses can work with the patient to educate them on the side effects of potent medication and help them set realistic goals. This will entail working with both the patient and physician to achieve the results desired.…
Opiates are a group of narcotics that contain opium or natural synthetic opium (Shoenfeld, 2012). Some of the commonly abused opiates include: Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Heroin, Codeine, Morphine, and Methadone as well as many other pain medications. They can be crushed and snorted, taken orally, and even injected. The most restrictive legally available drugs are the opiates Methadone and Morphine (Shoenfeld, 2012). They are prescribed for severe pain. Individuals can be prescribed methadone as an option for treatment but in reality is highly addictive and commonly abused.…
Crack, booze, pot, meth- from bustling cities to the serene countryside, the atmosphere surrounding an adolescent is permeated with drugs. Substance abuse has been an ever-growing problem in modern society, considering the amount of users today in comparison to half a century ago. In the 1990s, prescription drug abuse witnessed its first skyrocket. The use of drugs such as Vicodin and Oxycontin, increased by a staggering 343% between 1990 and 2005. From then on, drugs would become increasingly popular and would be more commonly distributed. In modern society, opioid use has become a regularity for a multitude of people, including the disadvantaged, the wealthy and successful, the middle class, and has recently been directed towards young adolescents.…
Before one can begin to teach how to recognize and respond to these things, one must know what an opioid is. An opioid is a drug that depresses or decreases central nervous stimulation. When used properly and medicinally opioid are very useful for treating short term and acute pain. Opioids have high abuse potential because if a person uses an opioid when they are…
Opioids such as OxyContin and Vicodin, are the most widespread prescribed painkiller for the treatment of moderate to chronic pain. While opioids are highly effective in masking the pain temporarily, these drugs are highly addictive. Many patients, especially those who take more than the prescribed amount, often develop a dependency on these drugs, resulting in addiction. There is growing evidence that opioid drugs are being widely prescribed and abused, causing an increase in healthcare costs. To help fight the growing dependency and addiction to these drugs, doctors should take more time explaining the many harmful side effects of these drugs to their patients before prescribing them, In addition, doctors should be up front with their patients about the likelihood of developing tolerance to the drugs, which ultimately leads to dependency. Since there is widespread abuse of these drugs, opioid prescriptions should continue…