“Pros and cons of polycentric staffing by Perlmutter (1968)”
Scientific research and writing
I Outline
I. Outline
1 Introduction
1.1 Research problem 1.2 Research methodology 1.3 Way of investigation
2. Degrees of multinationality and how to measure them
1. General assumptions 2. The role of a manager in a multinational corporation
3 Global staffing
4. The EPRG concept
1. Ethnocentrism 2. Polycentrism
4.2.1 Pros of polycentric staffing 4.2.2 Cons of polycentric staffing
3. Regiocentrism 4. Geocentrism
5 Conclusion
II. Bibliography III. Appendix IV. Declaration of originality
1. Introduction
1. Research problem
Multinational enterprises become increasingly significant in our progressive globalising world. Political, social and economic affairs within a country are persistently affected by their international activities which have worldwide impacts, consequently international ventures are incrementally gaining authority. In the highly competitive strive for achieving the highest degree of multinationality by various means, companies want to obtain sustainable prosperity since a mondial performance is related to motions towards a bright future.
A further scope that is no longer of national interest is the matter of staffing. In the contemporary advancing world, in which country-borders are of dwindling relevance, the recruitment of the ideal staff seems to become increasingly challenging as a rising number of people are being enabled to move to another state in order to search for a suitable and attractive employment. Hence, local human resources become gradually seldom, so qualified staff from all over the world is needed and sought for.
Howard V. Perlmutter, a worldwide recognised expert on the internationalisation of firms and other institutions[1], adopts this difficult topic and introduces the four approaches
Bibliography: Monographs: Belcourt, Monica; Bolander, George; Snell, Scott: Managing Human Resources, Toronto, Thomson Nelson, 2007 [14] Heenan, David A.; Perlmutter, Howard V.: Multinational Organization Development, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Canada, 1979, p. 17 [15] Ibid, p