When I made myself search for the pros of proposition 47 so that I could inform someone fully about this proposition. Soon after I was searching I found a strong article for proposition 47 which provided good arguments for it. This is where I found that proposition 47 would release thousands of inmates for the reclassification of their old crimes and keep the “real” criminals that committed serious and violent crimes …show more content…
“Proposition 47: Should California reduce penalties for drug and property crimes and invest in treatment?” As well as that it would save hundreds of millions of dollars and that the money will be redirected to the fund of safe schools and neighborhoods. Hint the name safe schools and neighborhood act. “The safe Neighborhoods and schools act of 2014”. A good or bad proposition for society in the 21st century ballot. It is an important topic to talk about but at the same time it shows the voice of the thought of all of the voters.
Proposition 47 is a proposition based on supporting criminals but not violent criminals.
Ballotpedia (2014) states that 10,000 inmates will be released because of reclassification of their crimes. Also 150 to 250 million dollars will be giving annually to schools and rehabilitation centers. (Prop 47 reclassification). Proposition 47 will reduce correction facility cost by an estimated 400 to 700 million. (Prop 47 reclassification). Also doing this research you happen to run into a lot of people’s opinions which really help to change or question what you previously just thought about this proposition. The first thing that come to mind is the name of this proposition it is called “safe school and neighborhood act,” which sounds great because safety is always priority but in reality you have to always have to read the fine print and find out what their actually trying to give to you. For example will allow date rape drugs a misdemeanor which to me doesn’t sound very safe. (proposition fact
After doing all of my research this was an interesting proposition with strong arguments for and against it. Also realizing the work and the amount of attention needed to figure if this proposition was good or bad was hard but necessary for the best results. This to me shows that don’t judge a book by its cover is an important lesson because the name of the measure or proposition may sounds beneficial when in reality their trying to benefit the criminals so that they can save money and give it to schools and police officers that are unnecessary to have but are necessary if the proposition passes so it’s just a way to redirect money. And is very important to have honest and trustworthy representatives.