In discussions of organ and kidney transplants, one controversial issue has been whether selling them is ethical and should be legal. Over the recent years, the demand for kidney transplants has increased so much that it has become greater than the supply (Taylor 634). On the one hand, opponents argue that is unethical to sell people’s body parts. On the other hand, proponents contend that individuals are in charge of their own body. This has led to the recent debate of whether or not the United States government should legalize the sale of kidneys. “As estimated by the United States Department of Health & Human Services: ’17 people die each day waiting for transplants that can’t take place because of the shortage of donated organs’” (Friedman 960). The growth of demand has led to the debate of whether or not the government should legalize the sale of kidneys and what actions must be taken to create the most fair and ethical distribution of transplants. The first question readers may have is why is the issue of kidney transplants is so controversial? Firstly, it must be defined what is a kidney transplant and why it is so controversial. …show more content…
The debate has quickly evolved from definition to action and jurisdiction. Supporters believe that selling kidneys is not unethical as every person has a right to their own body and through government action steps can be taken to avoid inequality. Opponents suggest government needs to take action to stop unethical practices and not let people sell their bodies. Both sides continue to disagree and further their debate through the different stasis. As the demand for kidneys continue to increase some actions will be taken in legalizing kidneys so it is a matter of what the government does and how strict or loose they are if policies are to be