As Benjamin Franklin (One of the founding fathers) once said, “When a religion is good, I conceive it will support itself; and when it does not support itself so that its professors are obliged to call for the help of the civil power, ‘tis a sign, I apprehend, of it’s being a bad one” (Nord 134). The separation between religion and government, also known as “the separation of church and state” has been a controversial topic, and has progressively worsened with all the new laws and policies trying to be passed. People constantly try to put both subjects together causing a big divide which not only is appalling but creates problems between certain people groups. The relationship …show more content…
between religion and government throughout history has seamlessly been incorporated into contemporary events which has created current controversies; however the separation between the two can protect religious diversity, required laws, and even minimize discrimination.
America’s first freedom has been subdued because of how religion and government have been conjoined in some way throughout history, which has created some ripples that we encounter in current events. Matters of religious liberty were of great concern to the founding generation, though they became secondary to the more pressing issues like military success and national unity. According to Steven K. Green a historian and a researcher for the Oxford Research Encyclopedia Of American History, he states that the proper relationship between religion and government in a society that identified with the principles of natural rights and rationalism originated during the Enlightenment ( Green 1). The American Revolution also sparked the Great Awakening which gained momentum during the 1800’s and created a period of religious experimentalism and expansion. The Great Awakening was greatly significant for breaking down forces of religious uniformity and substituting notions of religious equality. The religious movement also incorporated democratic ideas and cemented the notion that participation in, and support of, religious worship should be voluntary not compulsory. The subject of this separation has been following contemporary events for centuries, in the article “Freedom of Religion or Freedom from Government?” by Chris Stirewalt, we see how the mix of religion and government has been incorporated into recent events. Members of the Christian church have always been opposed to laws or policies that are seen as ungodly or immoral. Some in particular are abortion and same-sex marriages which have battled constantly due to value-based people groups which have affected how long it took for the regulations to pass. The separation has created a more ethical approach to these laws unlike the church which bases actions on values and morals.
The intertwining of both subjects could ignore required laws which discriminates and completely ignores certain minority groups because they could be considered as “morally wrong”. In the article “Religion and Government Remain A Dangerous and Volatile Mix” (2012), Rick Wingrove asserts that religion and government have been perilously united and have created a religion-based denial of equality and rights. Wingrove augments his argument by using the following carefully implemented strategies, in order to shine the light on the tremendous relationship between government and religion. His purpose is to convey the danger in putting both religion and government together and how it has collided with many ethical laws. He addresses the general public because he wants to enlighten the influence of (specifically christian) religion on certain fundamental rights and therefore trying to inform the people on how it could lead to treacherous extents. Wingrove explains, “Rabid fundamentalism, based on biblical literalism is rampant in our politics….the right genuinely believes that the god and creator of the entire universe is a Republican, that they are entitled to govern” (Wingrove 2). Wingrove emphasizes the ridiculousness of people of the right (Republican Christians) who believe they have the right to change certain policies and believe that it is fit for them to govern by the grace of God. If this was the case for the government, it could eventually lead our nation on a path toward repressive theocracy. This could lead to chaotic and unfortunate events, maybe even cause a civil war which could ruin the nation entirely.
Although many people say that christianity and organized religion were the foundation of the country and that it creates a godly and well-moraled America, it ignores certain minority groups and is completely value-based. The belief that the founding fathers intended to create America as a “Christian Republic” is ridiculous and unprovable, because of its lack of logic. Barbara Ehrenreich a historical author, gave this excerpt from one of her books to Vogue Magazine, “One Nation Divided, Under God” which analyzes and critics the motives the founding fathers of the country used to build the nation we see today. According to Ehrenreich the founding fathers (Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, George Washington etc.) identified as deists. Deists in the sense that they believed that God had created the universe then left (Ehrenreich 6). The founding fathers didn’t believe in a nation with one organized religion because they respected the religious diversity of the young nation.The believed this to be the right way to run the country for they knew that if America was sought out as a “Christian Republic” it would land in chaos and travesty.Our founding fathers respected and assured religious liberty, the argument that Christianity was intended as the foundation for America to create a “Godly” society is wrong and invalid.
Furthermore the separation between church and state creates an unbiased and just government which helps create a cohesive society.
The separation encourages capability instead of divine right, which many rulers have used to govern because they claimed a divine right from God. By having that belief separated from the governing process, it’s easier to elect someone because of their capability instead of their untrustworthy affirmations. The list by “11 Pros and Cons of Separation of Church and State” jots down the ways this separation has created an unbiased government in the United States. The site compares the separation and places with non separation, showing us the benefits of an unbiased government.“During the Middle Ages, most rulers governed under the idea that they had a divine right to do so. The Pope even claimed the right to depose European kings” (“11 Pros and Cons of Separation of Church and State” 1). Due to the government being separated from the church, when there are laws that are seen as morally-wrong trying to be passed for example; requiring birth control to be paid for throughout health insurance, the church can not intervene and take action. In governments where the church and state go hand in hand, there is often an action taken place by the church to clear laws that the church considers as unfit or immoral. The advantage of having the government as unbiased, is that such required laws as abortion, birth control, and even same-sex marriages can take place and prosper without the church having a say or taking action to change them. This means more opportunities for women, the LGBT community, and other minorities who have fought for these rights for
There are many ways how the separation between religion and government which has created a large scale of positive effects, not only beneficial for government but for people of religious backgrounds too. The separation greatly protects the government, meaning allowing government to protect the rights of anyone to practice their religion freely and avoid influence of religion to make certain laws that favor them. This creates equality and not only protects religion from undue governmental meddling but also protects government from religious influence. In the splendid article “The Christian Right Should Be The Strongest Supporters of Church and State Separation” (2017), John W. Traphagan elaborates on the benefits that this separation has created for the nation and the overall benefit of the country. Specifically he explains that “Members of the christian right should be amongst the strongest supporters of the Establishment clause, because it allows them to believe what they want, even if what the want is anathema to freedom of religion” (Traphagan 2). He states that not only does the government benefit from this but also protects religious liberty, meaning that the government is unable to control and decipher the church but more so protects it against that. The separation between government and religion does not mean people of religious backgrounds have to eliminate their faith from their public witness, political choices or political actions that they wish to take. The loss of separation can weaken the capacity of the government to protect the rights of anyone to practice their religion freely. It protects our freedoms, including the freedom for people to believe in ideas presented in documents like the ten commandments (Traphagan 1).
Not only does this separation enhance the safety of our nation but it also promotes equality and minimizes religious discrimination and other forms of it. It minimizes religious discrimination by not favoring or specifically seeing one religion more fit than the other, which could cause turbulence in the long run. A prime example of how keeping the church and religion being intertwined can instigate religious discrimination, is what occured in Greece in 2012. Greece’s prayer-policy made non-christians feel like outside or immoral and even even treated as second class-citizens unwelcome to participate. During that time it was sought out that Greece was violating the prohibition against the “establishment of religion” that created the divide between christians and other religions. Ultimately the separation between religion and government protects us from religious bloodshed such as what is seen throughout Syria, Egypt, Nigeria and other foreign places where the church is intertwined with the state.
The separation between government and religion has been a controversy following us for centuries. It has created many benefits not only for our government but also for people with religious backgrounds such as allowing ethical laws to be passed. It minimizes religious discrimination and promotes equality throughout our nation, which not only brings unity, but strength as well. This separation is the basis of our country and creates many opportunities for various minorities, and creates an unbiased government which is needed to make important and valid decisions that can affect us as a whole. If we were ever to join these two together (government and religion) it could not only make us divided, but it could also spark up chaos maybe even war. Let other countries be the examples of what mixing both can lead to, is your religion worth the fall of our country?