“Characteristics of an Effective Student Testing System” by Richard P. Phelps says, “teachers, when assigning marks, tend to consider non cognitive outcomes, including student class participation, perceived effort, progress over the period of the course, and comportment. Actual subject-matter mastery is just one among many factors.” These people believe it’s a good thing that standardized tests don’t take into account other factors. However, this is far from a good trait for a test to have. A student’s academic achievement will rely on much more than their test scores alone. The way a student behaves, participates, and progresses in school will follow them into their adult lives outside of school, and grading these things can help pave the path to a better future for the
“Characteristics of an Effective Student Testing System” by Richard P. Phelps says, “teachers, when assigning marks, tend to consider non cognitive outcomes, including student class participation, perceived effort, progress over the period of the course, and comportment. Actual subject-matter mastery is just one among many factors.” These people believe it’s a good thing that standardized tests don’t take into account other factors. However, this is far from a good trait for a test to have. A student’s academic achievement will rely on much more than their test scores alone. The way a student behaves, participates, and progresses in school will follow them into their adult lives outside of school, and grading these things can help pave the path to a better future for the