When it comes to the topic of student loans, most people will readily agree that they are overrated and the cost is outrageous. Where this agreement usually ends, however is on the question of how much is too much? Whereas Beth Akers is convinced that no price is too much, Sophie Quinton maintains that the price is consistent and just right for the amount of schooling a person actually goes through. Personally, I believe that that student loans are outrageous and should be cut down tremendously.
Sophie Quinton acknowledges that student loan debt is an ongoing situation. When students don’t pay their loans back, they sit there and accumulate more fees and interest. Eventually, if the loans are never paid …show more content…
Not all students have the money to pay back those huge loans to the government. Students need that money in order to get the education they need, to even be qualified for the job they are chasing. Paying back that tremendous amount of money is ridiculous regarding that they are using it for a good cause.
Beth Akers argues that student loan debt isn’t a big problem. Although the financial state of college continues to grow, Akers believes that the growth in debt isn’t problematic. Some people believe because of student loans, it is harder for a person to start a family or even save their money because they are constantly still paying back those loans. Akers believes that if every student does what they are supposed to and pay back their loans on time then everyone shouldn’t be throwing money towards the government all of their life.
Although I agree with Akers’ to a point, I cannot accept her overall conclusion that everyone can pay off those student loans within due time because some people simply do not have that kind of