A reliable study shows that 170,000 people are diagnosed with skin cancer from tanning beds yearly. Out of these people, 7,000 lose their lives from it (Raji). 7% of the American population is considered vitamin D deficient. Other studies have proven that 3,000- 4,000 people are benefited from the tanning beds’ vitamin D (Dr. Mercola). This is because higher level beds, such as level 5’s expose more UVB light, which is less powerful to the skin, then the UVA light, which penetrates deeper into the body. 12 out of 20 people use lotions during their tanning session. Unlike the 12 people who use lotions, the other 8 are more likely to encounter sunburns along with a higher percentage rate of skin cancer. Out of the 2.3 million tanners a year, only 832,000 prefer using the spray tan, which develops a sunless tan. This leaves the rest to have a greater risk of skin cancer, but also less exposure to the vitamin D (M.D. Sarnoff). The majority of tanners are by far the women, but much of the male population is beginning to increase within the tanning …show more content…
Many people who tan at younger ages have experienced wrinkled much faster than the average human being. Wrinkles is not the only problem one must worry about. Although you may be safe and cancer free at a young age, later in life you become more and more prone to the cancerous cells and diseases because of the exposure throughout one’s life. Tanning takes out the moisture out of your skin, causing wrinkles and dries out your skin leaving it dehydrated. Many tanners use lotion to prevent wrinkles and skin dehydration, but little do they know that certain lotions only make the U.V. light penetrate into the body more instead of hydrating the skin and preventing