Mini Varghese
There have been much advancement in technology that has made significant impacts on society and the way things are done. One of them is the invention of telephone. The invention of the telephone is the most remarkable innovation in the history of mankind. The invention of telephone is related to many other inventions like the transmission of sound through electricity by Johann Philipp Reis, a German scientist. According to Gorman, M. (1994) on March 10, 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. The technology had changed drastically during the time period by improving and adding many features to the telephone. In this 21st century telephones are becoming a part of human life especially cellphones. The invention of telephone had changed the world in many ways such as managing the business more efficiently and improving communication among family and friends.
The inventor of telephone
Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone on March 10, 1876. “He was born on March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland and throughout his life; Bell had been interested in the education of deaf people” (Simkin, J. n.d). His father was a leading authority in elocution and speech correction. He assisted his father in teaching the deaf by using visible speech technology, which was developed by his father. Bell always had a desire to invent a technology to help teaching the deaf. He opened a school for training teachers in Boston, in 1873. Meanwhile he was experimenting on various acoustical devices. During this period telegraph was the only established means of communication. But it had certain limitations in sending and receiving messages. This cannot be used at home so that the people had to go to the office to send or receive any message. He experimented to develop a multiple telegraph by using music or harmonic approach. Meanwhile he was working with a friend, Thomas Watson in developing a devise that could transfer the
References: Casson, H. (1910). The History of the Telephone. Chicago A.C McClurg, 4th edition. Retrieved from: Consumer Reports (2005). then & now Vol. 70 Issue 2, p61-61, Retrieved from: EBSCOhost. Gellerman, E. (1994) Telephone Technology Increases Communication across the Board. Retrieved from: Gorman, M. (1994). The Invention of telephone: Background Information. Retrieved from: Simkin, J. (n.d). Alexander Graham Bell Biography: Published in Spartacus Editorial, Retrieved from: Telephone. (2011). Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 1-2. Retrieved from: EBSCOhost.