Besides not texting well in general, focus group teenagers said their parents often complained about text lingo – abbreviations such as "LOL" and "idk," which stand for "laughing out loud" and "I don't know," respectively – as well as the frequent lack of …show more content…
capitalization and other linguistic issues. To avoid confusion and getting a lecture on grammar, teens instead opt to call rather than text their folks.
Location updates and traditional checking-in remain common themes for parent-teen communication across both texts and calls, though a bit of selective manipulation by teens in how they address their parents also came out in the focus group conversations.
For example, when teens do decide to text their guardians, they may be making an effort to cover their tracks and not get in trouble for being at a party or the arcade. As the study said: "Since obviously there is no sound when texting, teens can text their parents when the background noise of their location would give away too much information on their whereabouts."
Teens also said that calling up the parents is best when seeking immediate feedback.
One boy in middle school summed up teen texting behavior nicely when he told the Pew Research Center study authors: "Most of the time you usually call your parents. You usually call them if it’s really important, or you’re trying to get a hold of them to come pick you up. So most of the time you usually call your parents but with friends you just text pretty much." Hi Austin, Texting vs. Calling
It seems that more and more people are in the process of making conventional phone calls and are putting their fingers to good use to text instead, as we all may know people say “texting is my lifeline“, and continue to claim that “sending a text is faster and cheaper than making a call”. Yes, if people are savvy in the art of texting perhaps conversation can be faster than a phone call would be and can even be less expensive. However, in general, the convenience of texting is more important to teens then the cost of savings. But too much of a good thing is never ideal. Although phone calls and texting aim to accomplish the same task, texting can have direct consequences if not used in moderation.... The full essay is